Political Compass

urmston said:
This compass is wonky. It says that the Conservatives are more authoritarian than New Labour. What a joke.

Who thinks ID cards are a good idea? Not the Conservatives.

And New Labour has vastly increased the power of the government over the individual, for example by increasing the state's ability to snoop on our phone and internet usage and by building up the world's biggest DNA database of people convicted of no crime whatsoever.

New Labour are also keen to restrict our right to trial by jury.

All those things you have listed are only opposed by the opposition because they are unpopular decisisions/desires from labour.
1.618034 said:
urmston said:
This compass is wonky. It says that the Conservatives are more authoritarian than New Labour. What a joke.

Who thinks ID cards are a good idea? Not the Conservatives.

And New Labour has vastly increased the power of the government over the individual, for example by increasing the state's ability to snoop on our phone and internet usage and by building up the world's biggest DNA database of people convicted of no crime whatsoever.

New Labour are also keen to restrict our right to trial by jury.

Labour have been behind these but tbf the Conservatives would've if they'd been in power when the technology was available. The conservatives are just using it as an unpopular policy that they can oppose and gain favour with. Unfortunately New labour have trodden all over the traditional values of their core support with this and other "anti-terror" legislation but it's a reaction of what's happened in the USA after 9/11. But I don't trust either of them to repeal much legislation without enough opposition from those who care. But who's representing them?

The Illusion of choice!

What is interesting is that it shows that the "Establishment" has it's own agenda that isn't what the majority of people really want. There isn't any choice to be had between the two parties capable of winning, and shows that if enough people actually vote with their conscience rather than with some vague idea of loyalty to a particular party or parties, then perhaps the silent majority will finally be heard and properly represented.

But times change and I believe and hope that eventually the government of our and other countries will have the courage to steer away from the current paradigm that profit and control are essential. They're not! But it will take a while and a lot of pain for the change to happen, But it will!

We don't know if the Conservatives would have been so authoritarian since 1997 if they'd been in power, but given New Labour's appalling record on freedom it is a case of better the devil you don't know!
im a libertarian on the verge of aanarchism.

where was the question:

Is a website being used for placing individuals into boxes with red dots and trying to help them somehow see themselves in a certain political agenda, agendas which are seen as some sort of political religions, the biggest load of time wasting bullshit possibly to of entered the world after jordan and peter?

Agree []

Strongly Agree []

Kind of agree []

Deifinately Agree []

well i thought i would be more far right tbh lol.
This thing has been blatantly designed by lefties, because:

- the BNP should be more left wing than they are on there
- the Conservatives are not more authoritarian than Labour
- Labour should be about as far left as the BNP

Anyone who falls in the top left or bottom left of that graph is a f***ing pr*ck. End of.
pee dubyas crayons said:
This thing has been blatantly designed by lefties, because:

- the BNP should be more left wing than they are on there
- the Conservatives are not more authoritarian than Labour
- Labour should be about as far left as the BNP

Anyone who falls in the top left or bottom left of that graph is a f***ing pr*ck. End of.

lol how about if your on the line but on the left ?, lol is that ok ?.
de niro said:
all those nice coloured squares might be pretty but truth is Brown is a complete idiot, he and his lying conning , stealing party have ruined our country on all levels, the sooner the tories are in the better, the general election will lift our economy from the outset, then confirm the upturn when labour are finally gone, talk about how to destroy a country fuck me. we all know the tories have their faults but my no one could be as bad as where labour are going to leave us, the scary thing is they think everything is fine, talk about head in the sand.

This makes me pish , whilst the country went to ruin the last tory PM was fuking Edwina Currie. You want to be ruled by a bunch of Old Etonians?
Do you really think they give a fuk about Northern Towns?

I hope you get the government you deserve
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-2.25&soc=-0.31" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.politicalcompass.org/faceboo ... &soc=-0.31</a>

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