Pollo-Vegetarian ??


Well-Known Member
12 Aug 2007
Just been having a nandos lunch when a girl sits on the table next to me. I couldn't help but over hear her talking to her mate about her being a Pollo Vegetarian.

Me being quite dim, i had to Google what this meant. The response from Google made me laugh. A Pollo Vegetarian is a person who is a Vegetarian that eats chicken.

I'm sorry you either are a Vegetarian or you are not! If you are a Pollo Vegetarian you are in fact a cheat.

Has anybody ever heard of this or better yet no someone who is one?
I thought it was someone who only ate mints with the hole. Can you eat polo fruits too. ?
Out of all the meat out there i would say that chickens are definitely up with the ones that are "tortured" the most. Rammed into cages, lay in their own shit etc.
I would think veggies would put chickens at the top of the no-no pile.

Either way, meat is brilliant.
City-mad-fan said:
Just been having a nandos lunch when a girl sits on the table next to me. I couldn't help but over hear her talking to her mate about her being a Pollo Vegetarian.

Me being quite dim, i had to Google what this meant. The response from Google made me laugh. A Pollo Vegetarian is a person who is a Vegetarian that eats chicken.

I'm sorry you either are a Vegetarian or you are not! If you are a Pollo Vegetarian you are in fact a ****.

Has anybody ever heard of this or better yet no someone who is one?

Edited for truth.
Controversial, I know, but... maybe she doesn't like the taste of other meats?

Crazy as it is, I had a friend who only ate chicken or fish, not for ethical reasons, she just didn't like beef and other red meat.
SkyBlueFlux said:
Controversial, I know, but... maybe she doesn't like the taste of other meats?

Crazy as it is, I had a friend who only ate chicken or fish, not for ethical reasons, she just didn't like beef and other red meat.

Did she call herself a "Pollo Vegetarian" ?
pominoz said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
Controversial, I know, but... maybe she doesn't like the taste of other meats?

Crazy as it is, I had a friend who only ate chicken or fish, not for ethical reasons, she just didn't like beef and other red meat.

Did she call herself a "Pollo Vegetarian" ?

She called herself something equally stupid, I remember that. I can't recall what she said she was though. She called herself a pescatarian for a while until I caught her eating chicken and corrected her. It could have been 'pollo-pescatarian'.

For some people having a word which explains the fact you don't eat something is like a fashion label. It does annoy me, especially because I was forced onto a gluten-free diet by my doctor a few years back because he suspected I had coeliac disease. Every fucker thought I was just doing it for attention because of the sheer amount of people that claim to have these things that haven't actually been diagnosed. Worst year of my life being on that diet. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Thank god the biopsy came back negative.

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