Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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He's wrong though. Yes they lost. Like they were predicted too. but the tide has turned ... people are swaying to a socialist/left government in the shape of Corbyn and if we can keep the momentum going it will happen. This will be better for everyone.

No, it won't. It's a complete myth. It might be better for a few on the bottom rung of the ladder, but for everyone else, the higher taxes, slower growth, higher debts and higher unemployment will make them worse off. And then we'll have to have yet another 10 years of austerity to fix it again.

You cannot take loads of money off people, vastly increase borrowing and dump all that liquidity into an economy that does not have the capacity to absorb it. All it will do is push up prices, increase the trade deficit, weaken the pound, give people paper pay awards that aren't worth anything in real terms, and put is back into recession. In short, a return to boom and bust. Without so much of the boom.

I'm sorry you've fallen for it, but you have. Hook, line and sinker.
You're not an idiot Colin and you know full well what you're doing.

And you're totally ignoring the crime survey results. Which is odd as they don't just take "recorded police crime" into account. "Recorded police crime" being something you loaned about two posts ago.
Traditional crime (theft, assault, vehicle) has indeed been decreasing but the Crime Survey figures don't include the more than 6m cyber and computer-related crimes that are committed annually currently and weren't recorded up to recently. So the actual level is around 12m crimes. Organised criminals have been moving into this area of crime as they know the police will do fuck all.

And these figures don't take into account crimes solved, just those recorded. It's a fairly simple hypothesis that 15% less police officers are going to solve less crime and aren't going to respond to a lot of it. My comment was based on anecdotal evidence I've repeatedly heard that the police aren't interested if you try to report a financial fraud and also my own personal experience. Me and quite a few other IT contractors were defrauded out out many thousands of pounds each by a rogue who was supposed to be holding money payable to HMRC and then fucked off with it, putting the company into liquidation. The police wouldn't touch it.
Would have been easier to admit that crime is no more now than it was in 2010 and it's considerably lower than it was ten and fifteen years ago during the days of non-austerity.

And that's according the police's own figures.

The crime survey figures are even more damning to your theory.
As an aside, I wonder how many students voted at home and at Uni?
Nothing to stop it from happening, even though it is a crime. I thought about the possibility in 1983 - there was nothing to stop me then. But I was a good boy and only voted in one place. I checked registration procedures today and believe it or not it's still possible!
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You'd have thought Corbyn had won the election the way he's going on. Obviously didn't see the final figures.
The conservatives won and are still the most popular party.

Conservaties have had a disastrous campaign but thank god Corbyn is not in.
He's not fit to run the government.
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