Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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An interesting scenario would be if the DUP drop the Tories in it or by some other reason the Tory Govt cannot get their legislation through the Commons and Corbyn is asked to from a minority Govt.

We could then have Corbyn being kept in power by Tory MP's who are too afraid of the opnion polls to force an election.
See the tolerance of the far left is in full effect

Has nothing to do with politics it has to do with honour. These people are traitors and plotters. They aided and abetted a deplorable right wing press and the recent vote has neutered them.

The honourable thing would be to resign. Failed coups have consequences but for this group their cowardice prevents them.
The deficit has been reduced by over 75%. It's taken longer than planned because the governement was not able to cut as deeply as would have been needed to get rid of it by now. I'm assuming you're not suggesting the cuts should have been deeper still ;-) The country has recovered immeasurably from the depth it had slumped to by 2010. The Tories turned it around from deep and rising deficit and recession, back into growth and deficit reduction, and got more people into work than ever before.

I get it if you want to complain about the cuts. But suggesting the government's plans have failed is silly. They patently have not. They took a terrible situation in 2010 and got us back on track. This is what Tories do. Labour overspend, put unemployment up, put the country into recession and then eventually get kicked out. The Tories come in and pick up the pieces and turn it around. Rinse and repeat.

Maybe, but I can see a lot of problems with it. If everyone on say £8/hour was given a 3% pay rise whilst those on £9/hour and above only got 1%, I don't think that would go very well. But maybe.

I said employment levels are at an all time high. I've no idea about unemployment figures, but I'll take what you say on face value. Being unemployed myself.

Sorry, but I still don't know what point you are trying to make. So the government would have to end up paying. They do already. What's your point?

I repeatedly said we cannot get everyone into highly skilled jobs, but that our aspiration should be to get more people into those sorts of jobs and less people in low-skill, low-pay jobs. I'll not repeat myself again as to why simply paying people more and more for unskilled work, does not work. It is not a viable solution.

That's it for me on this subject. Everything else is just going around and around the same houses. My position is summarised in the one sentence immediately above. I'll say no more.

I think we have to agree to disagree about the economy overall, I just dont see it being on track in any meaningful way.
And by the way we had moved out of recession by Q3 2009, thats a whole year before the tory/lib alliance came to power. And please remember the recession was not a UK phenomenon, but affected most western economies

you wouldnt have the big step jump in pay rises, you would taper it. I can see it would upset people and cause some issues. Its a fairer way of suppressing wages but suppressing wages is not the strategy I would use anyway.

fair do's on employment and unemployment. Hope you get a job soon

They do pay already but with austerity they will have to cut it or cut deeper elsewhere. Which would you choose? and where would you cut more?

you still havent said what we do about those 2.5 million who we cant transition to high skilled jobs, you are just ignoring it.
you also havent set out how you would fund the training of the 2.5 million we can transition in to high skilled jobs

its been good debating
An interesting scenario would be if the DUP drop the Tories in it or by some other reason the Tory Govt cannot get their legislation through the Commons and Corbyn is asked to from a minority Govt.

We could then have Corbyn being kept in power by Tory MP's who are too afraid of the opnion polls to force an election.

It's highly unlikely. However, if another election was called It's safe to say that there would also be a new Tory leader and a different manifesto. The polls show Corbyn ahead now but as we've seen that can change rapidly.
If you look at the Labour party from the moment Corbyn was elected leader to the moment the exit poll was published was it inclusive? Did it seek to draw from a broad church? There appears to be a lot of revisionism at the moment due to Corbyn's current popularity and a well crafted manifesto which let's not forget was debunked by the IFS.

I think you'll find it's you engaging in revisionism, the last two years and in this election, Corbyn, to the frustration of many of his supporters, has been unflinchingly open to the Blairites. Need I remind you that the second leadership election was triggered by PLP 172-40 vote of no confidence in June last year?



Corbyn won by a landslide

And now the new shadow Northern Ireland secretary is....


Looks like a man who forgives and forgets to me.
If you want to see what leadership is...Look no further...

Requisition empty houses for homeless says Corybn


Empty flats in North Kensington should be "requisitioned if necessary" for people left homeless by the Grenfell Tower fire, Jeremy Corbyn says.

The Labour leader has also said he is "very angry" that so many lives were lost in the deadly tower block fire.

He told MPs on Thursday: "The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it's the wealthiest part of the country.

"The ward where this fire took place is, I think the poorest ward in the whole country.

"And properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, in order to make sure those residents do get re-housed locally.

"It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and luxury flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live."
I think you'll find it's you engaging in revisionism, the last two years and in this election, Corbyn, to the frustration of many of his supporters, has been unflinchingly open to the Blairites. Need I remind you that the second leadership election was triggered by PLP 172-40 vote of no confidence in June last year?



Corbyn won by a landslide

And now the new shadow Northern Ireland secretary is....


Looks like a man who forgives and forgets to me.
Care to asses the rest of the shadow cabinet without massive pictures?
If you want to see what leadership is...Look no further...

Requisition empty houses for homeless says Corybn


Empty flats in North Kensington should be "requisitioned if necessary" for people left homeless by the Grenfell Tower fire, Jeremy Corbyn says.

The Labour leader has also said he is "very angry" that so many lives were lost in the deadly tower block fire.

He told MPs on Thursday: "The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it's the wealthiest part of the country.

"The ward where this fire took place is, I think the poorest ward in the whole country.

"And properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, in order to make sure those residents do get re-housed locally.

"It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and luxury flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live."

Sounds like the sort of asset grab Lennin would approve of. Under the guise of doing something virtuous.
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