Capitalism is not the issue.
A better shared wealth would go a long way (I'm sure you will find a way to twist this).
Your party reneged on its action to build homes as it promised. We are building more homes than we have for years - I know I am building them using governemnt money.
Your party activated cuts that led us to a place of poor security. And you voted for the man who won't use the nuclear deterrent and has voted against terror laws for 40 years, supports Hamas and the IRA.
Your party lied about its efforts to bring down immigration. At least it has tried and the number is heading down and Teressa has put a target in place. Brevity will help this. Your clown won't even put a number on it. Trust me if he gets in we will be over run.
Immigration was estimated to be 588,000 and emigration 339,000 during this quarter. A net of 248,000 under your party's watch.
Explain why your party lies about its unworkable target, but you vilify Corbyn for hedging his bets?
I say it's better to see what data you can work with, rather than make empty promises!