I agree Capitalism is best, but it needs to be controlled/have checks & balances to mitigate corruption - such as that that led to the horror at Glenfell Tower - with awareness of human tendencies.
Personally, voting Labour this time around is an absolute no brainer to me but I absolutely agree with what you say about uni. First of all, everyone (normal working people) gets a tuition loan and a maintenance loan to go to uni - it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, a poor kid and a rich kid on that course now have the same job prospects so I never understand the moaning about poor not affording uni fees. One thing I'll say is, maintenance loans probably need to offer more as many do struggle on it (this doesn't mean no fees, just needs higher loaning) - whether the student learns to manage money or fritters it on booze every weekend is their decision though. Under current rules, if you never earn past the threshold, you never pay it back (which might be a flawed idea in itself I'm not sure, but that's another matter). Perhaps there is a problem in that practically all decent jobs want a graduate now because it's the social norm, but we need to bring experienced workers vs. graduates back into balance. We need home-grown "low-skilled" workers because continual immigration is not sustainable and adds problems we more than struggle to manage - there is also the consideration of national identity and if you want to become United States MK II, or continue British culture that isn't from a memory like native american. I do not agree it would be worse under Corbyn at all though - Labour set out responsible managed migration until skills shortages are reduced (i.e. train up people here). The Tories on the other hand have failed to hit a very easy and basic target (of non-EU immigration to 100k) that they keep repeating like it's a new thing, for 7 years - there is no suggestion of willingness to achieve this yet they've created a myth that they are right wing leaning (they are con artists on multiple fronts imo).
I think the social pressure to go to uni has devalued degrees and tried to push square blocks in round holes - it needs sensibly rebalancing but on all matter of subjects, people act on ideals rather than practicalities nowadays.
(Don't want to get into Labour vs. Tory, just wanted to elaborate on what I agree with but needed some party context)