Post Match Thread: Kiev 1 - 3 City

God, I really enjoyed that. Firstly, fair play to Manuel who I continue to be critical of, last night he got the tactics right and played the midfield formation many of us have been asking for. I really thought that was the best midfield display of the season, by a country mile. That first half was fantastic and the control we showed after the first 10 minutes was a thing of beauty. I couldn't believe how good our pressing was. Second half we dropped off a little bit and this coincided with 15 mins when Clichy and Oto had collective brain farts. Unlucky to concede but Oto had to do better with his defensive header. After they scored we seemed to take control again as the game came to a conclusion. I have to say I was screaming for us to close it down but typically we continued to look for goals and Yaya came up with a beauty. Thought everyone played well. Couple of players dropped of a bit in second half and gave them a sniff. Special mention to Vinnie for his obvious leadership, our entire midfield were fantastic. I said to Mrrs Saddleworth before the game that it was time for a big display from Raheem and he really delivered one. Great to see everyone that went to Kiev rewarded with a display like that and you could certainly hear the support for the team clearly on the Tv.

Let's have similar performance and result on Sunday!
Great stuff last night. And thank fuck no fans got hospitalised.

Pellers correctly identified the heart of their team, their no.6 (or in this case, no.17) and got the lads to do a job on him. Dude didn't get a chance to turn and face us with the ball all 1st half, and this completely destroyed the way they play. And they mentally collapsed. This was their first knockout round in ages, if I remember rightly, so they had to be a little nervous anyway. A few touches on the ball and a bit of distribution from their DM and those nerves might have disapeared. But nah :D we can't have that. Credit to Rebrov for changing things up in the 2nd half and attacking through other options. The earned themselves a decent spell and got a goal from it. But we were too dominant over the 90 mins.

This is the type of performance (and the Tottenham game) that I want to see form Pellegrini until the end of the season. Good game plans where we can earn the right to play. Folks may well judge the Kiev team as absolutely terrible and say that we should win easy no matter what. But it is this blinding 'on paper' arrogance that has left us scratching our heads after games. Too many times have I seen us struggle against teams we 'should be beating if we turn up' so well done for showing tactical respect. Dynamo Kiev have been good this season, but we made them look like they used to 5 years ago.

Silva was back to business this game, drifting from one side to the other, little overload here, a combination there. Sterling... I always bang on about it... but his tactical discipline and ability to carry out instruction is great for one so young. Once he sharpens up his overall technique, he will be well on his way to world-class. Ripping players all night on that left flank, constant threat and didn't shirk his defensive duties either. Fernando was masterfully disciplined this game. his positioning was good, and he was always ready to fly forward and hound their no.6 whenever he was about to recieve a pass from the enemy rear guard. Focused as fuck. And I struggle to think of a more well-rounded midfielder than Fernandinho. Sir is a one-man-army. Kompany, my word, what a relief it is to have him back. His organisational skills, his reassuring presence. and fuck me, his defending was sublime. Otamendi's aggression was channelled and focused, making him unstoppable for most of the game. The two CBs were essential at filling the gaps that Fernando was leaving with his bursts from the team shape to bully their no.6. Great fluidity.

We were superior technically, of course we were, you only have to look at the two clubs' wage-bills to see the difference. But that wouldn't be enough to dominate a game. We needed the 'collective power,' the tactics from the gaffer and the players gassed and willing to carry them out. We won't always have 11 days rest before a game, but we should still be able to play with this kind of tactical discpline and astuteness. This needs to be the norm from now on, and if it is, I have no doubt that we will see us becoming more than the sum of our parts.

Discipline. Game plan. Every match please, lads.
I thought City performed very well tonight but according to the "pundits" in the media, the Ukrainieans were piss poor for once, not able to compete. Any chance that maybe Man City were just too good and defeated them with good football?
It's not just the media sadly (unless a lot of them post on here as well). There are one or two 'Pellegrini slaughterers' who are beside themselves and unable to accept a decent performance from team and manager. More often than not, a team is made to look poor by the opposition, they aren't just poor.
For me the best development tonight aside from the result itself was that Sterling seemed to remember he can beat people off the dribble. He stopped hesitating and started taking people on and it made a world of difference. Prem defenders seem more aware of his push it to the goal line move and suss it out easier but it was just great to see him playing with confidence again

Well spotted. Still frustrates me with his decision making when going for the easy option of a 5 yard back pass but great to see him last night being more direct and taking the full back on. 7/10
God, I really enjoyed that. Firstly, fair play to Manuel who I continue to be critical of, last night he got the tactics right and played the midfield formation many of us have been asking for.

Don't recall many asking for a 2 man central midfield of Yaya and Fernando with Fernandinho on the right.

Fair play to Pellegrini though, worked a treat.

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