Post Something Interesting

Fair enough. But is that it?
that's why i asked what do you mean?
what do you mean?
what services are you meaning?
Also, income tax isn't zero, it's only zero for non residents. You'll still get taxed if you earn money within Morocco.
not everything you read on google is true :)

until i become a resident here i will be required to declare my income to hmrc uk.
once i become a resident (a fairly swift process) i will become self-employed.
most folk are self-employed
(you pay a small fee to become self-employed).

it is a cash-based society.
there are no receipts or anything.
if you say you earned 30,000 dirhams you pay no income tax.
they have no way of proving otherwise,
so everyone says they earned less than 30,000 dirhams.
you don't need to file your tax jobby or have an accountant.
the real world is much different here.

hold on,
are you doing one of your being-in-an-argumentative-mood things?
you won't catch me out mr. k.

v.a.t. is where they make their money.

Performance artist?
settle down now.
no need to insult me.
that's why i asked what do you mean?
what do you mean?
what services are you meaning?

Well how about healthcare?

What services don't they have in Morocco and any that we don't have?

not everything you read on google is true :)

until i become a resident here i will be required to declare my income to hmrc uk.
once i become a resident (a fairly swift process) i will become self-employed.
most folk are self-employed
(you pay a small fee to become self-employed).

it is a cash-based society.
there are no receipts or anything.
if you say you earned 30,000 dirhams you pay no income tax.
they have no way of proving otherwise,
so everyone says they earned less than 30,000 dirhams.
you don't need to file your tax jobby or have an accountant.
the real world is much different here.

hold on,
are you doing one of your being-in-an-argumentative-mood things?
you won't catch me out mr. k.

v.a.t. is where they make their money.

settle down now.
no need to insult me.

I was just jesting, because "being an artist" is a bit vague.
Well how about healthcare?

What services don't they have in Morocco and any that we don't have?
they have everything here.
emergency health care is free if you say you have no money.

I was just jesting, because "being an artist" is a bit vague.
i know you were,
so was i.

i'm a painter.
an extraordinarily great one at that.
this is not new news to bluemoon.

now leave me alone and go and jest someone else.
i'm going out to meet my new russian lover.

or post summat interesting in this 'ere thread :)
they have everything here.
emergency health care is free if you say you have no money.

i know you were,
so was i.

i'm a painter.
an extraordinarily great one at that.
this is not new news to bluemoon.

now leave me alone and go and jest someone else.
i'm going out to meet my new russian lover.

or post summat interesting in this 'ere thread :)

Ah so you've become a novelist?

Not me, no. I don't play chess.

I mistakenly missed a word out of my last post, see my edit. @Rascal might give you a game.
My chess is rusty, not played properly for years. i got up to a rating of 2750 and got a draw with an international master. Who then pointed out i missed an easy win :))

I would need to practice
I still play Chess, I'm not very good but I enjoy playing it with my 83 year old neighbour Alan, a guy from London who had a building firm in Melbourne, he tells me lots of juicy stories about councils etc. he is better than me at Chess.

I like Chess, it's the only game that doesn't involve luck.

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