Power of Attorney


Well-Known Member
9 Aug 2009
My Dad has long talked about completing the forms to assign power of attorneys on medical and financial matters should the time come where he is unable to make those decisions.

His first call to me claimed he could only choose one, which I immediately said was incorrect.

He called the other day to say he had sent the forms to my sister who would send on to me for signing and that she was going to be sole power of attorney as "it was easier" that way and I would be a stand by.

I wasn't in the mood for an argument so left it.

The forms have since arrived and now I am fuming as it feels like an admission of favouritism or a question of my character.

Should I be as pissed off as I am? And was I right to sign it from Santa Claus and send it back to him?
My Dad has long talked about completing the forms to assign power of attorneys on medical and financial matters should the time come where he is unable to make those decisions.

His first call to me claimed he could only choose one, which I immediately said was incorrect.

He called the other day to say he had sent the forms to my sister who would send on to me for signing and that she was going to be sole power of attorney as "it was easier" that way and I would be a stand by.

I wasn't in the mood for an argument so left it.

The forms have since arrived and now I am fuming as it feels like an admission of favouritism or a question of my character.

Should I be as pissed off as I am? And was I right to sign it from Santa Claus and send it back to him?

No advise other than give you good vibes and hope everything turns out well for you.
Life is too short to be pissed off about this, mate. It’s family stuff. Look at it this way, it’s something you don’t have to worry about if and when the time comes. I’m sure if she needs advice or to talk about anything, your sister will do so with you when needed.
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Let is too short to be pissed off about this, mate. It’s family stuff. Look at it this way, it’s something you don’t have to worry about if and when the time comes. I’m sure if she needs advice or to talk about anything, your sister will do so with you when needed.

I think I'd have been fine if I had have been given an explanation. Instead I got a lie about it being easier having one, when the guidance recommends having more than one acting jointly and severally.

That's what has pissed me off. I'm not sitting on the subs bench.
I think I'd have been fine if I had have been given an explanation. Instead I got a lie about it being easier having one, when the guidance recommends having more than one acting jointly and severally.

That's what has pissed me off. I'm not sitting on the subs bench.
You’ve saved yourself a headache and, if you have any kind of real sibling relationship, she will consult you before making any serious decisions.
Comes down to trust with your sister. My nanna had my dad as power of attorney and its been nothing short of a disaster.
But my nanna trusted my wayward, spendeasy, calamitous dad more than his straight forward , sensible, ex teacher younger brother.
I'd try to let it go mate. My other half got guardianship for her mum (power of attorney was rejected) her brother lives in states and sister in Australia. Been nothing but stress for 18 months. Good luck mate

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