Is that a postcode?Brighton 6
Is that a postcode?Brighton 6
BH6 0WVIs that a postcode?
Hopefully we can win it at home to ChelseaI think we may actually have the chance to clinch the league against Everton.
I think they will continue the bad run, with at least two draws or a loss, hence why I think we will be able to clinch at Goodison.I was trying to work that out yesterday. I think Arsenal have to keep on their shit run.
One thing we can do though is seal their relegation.
A bit presumptious (sp) wish people would take it a game at a time and assume the arses will wake the fuck up and make a race of itHopefully we can win it at home to Chelsea
I hope we already have it by then, so we can really enjoy the day.Hopefully we can win it at home to Chelsea
“Hopefully”A bit presumptious (sp) wish people would take it a game at a time and assume the arses will wake the fuck up and make a race of it
Well, I was one of the few predicting Arsenal’s chase would derail over the course of the three matches they drew before losing to us (and predicted we would absolutely smash them), so I am fine continuing with my stance. ;-)A bit presumptious (sp) wish people would take it a game at a time and assume the arses will wake the fuck up and make a race of it