Premier League Games 4/5/6 March '23

Echoes of Liverpool this. Kept winning last gasp games, then the bubble burst. It’s squeaky bum time and Arsenal will drop points. Can we capitalise, that’s the million dollar question.
why are you such a contrary ****?
Just pointing out the fucking obvious....stop fucking whinging.......The league winnrers are the ones that will deserve to win it whether thats us, arsenal or whoever.....Arsenal at the moment are playing very good football and are doing what we have done numerous times over the last seasons....gettinga few last minute winners...its what teams who really believe (liike we have in the past) do.....Seem to remember Sterling doing it a few times.....Aguero, Gundo last season....countless times....its what good teams do..

Its just so pathetic to keep claimng that everyone is against us and that ANY win for anyone against us, or for a team who we are in direct competition for is bent or due to just shows fear at one level, sour grapes at another and a complete lack of humility at another level along with a lack or resilience to take on any fucking thing that doesnt go our way
We are under investigation by the Premier league ,we win another title there will be redder faces at the Premier league hierarchy than the Goons shirts , this is going to be the hardest title to win yet.
Every man and his dog rooting for a Goons title , big bad Man City , cheating f*ckers , you know the rest.
We have had some sweet title wins but this one will be a big two fingers up to the football "estabishment"
BBC banging on about tragedy chanting and Klopp and ETH pleading with the fans to stop it. City get a mention in the article but no clarification of what we actually sing. Our song is aimed generally at the attitude of Merseysiders when anything happens that they feel indignant about.

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