Protest at Premier League HQ!!!

you cant protest against something when the tickets continue to sell out its pointless , our prices are the highest they have ever been yet so are our attendances
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
nomorethaksintimes said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
That's great for Villa / Stoke / WBA etc where there are empty seats galore each week, but for the rags / City / Chelsea / Arsenal / Spuds / Liverpool / plus Newcastle and Everton on most occasions, there is someone else willingly waiting to take your place.
Why should a long standing fan have to miss games to make a point?

Because we all vote with our wallets and every business and service obeys the laws of supply and demand.

I'm not saying it's fair but fairness has little to do with it and this type of protest won't make a jot of difference.

If the average fan wants to make themselves heard they need to unite and take meaningful action - e.g. fans of all clubs deciding to miss a single round of Prem fixtures in the first month next season.

You miss my point....
If the average fan of Wigan / WBA / Villa et al decide to miss a game it will mean more empty seats than usual.... (but season tickets taken into account on attendnce figures)
If the average fan at the Swamp / City / Arse / Spuds and Chelsea decide to miss a game then there will be many more ''fans'' waiting to take their place. Protest? What protest?
That's where the supply and demand exists. How mant spivs do you see at Wigan / Villa and The Hawthorns each home game?

No I think I got what you were saying mate

I can't speak for the other 'big' clubs but if a hardcore group of City fans of approx 5,000 decided to take action and miss a match the club would certainly take notice and respond. A Chinese or American tourist may step in for the odd ticket but they are a less valuable form of customer to the club than a long-term one and the club would certainly know they can't just get enough casual/tourist fans to consistently fill that gap in the long-term. At present they supplement the hardcore fanbase, they don't replace it.

It's like those moaning about the FA cup situation with the trains and late kick-off times. I agree it's taking the piss out of the fans but if you continue to go to games and pay your money the message you are giving to the powers that be is that they can keep pushing things a little more. Meaningless protests/banners in grounds (which cameras often just ignore) will be seen as acceptable collateral damage by the money men for increased profits/TV revenues etc.
Good idea in theory, but the fact its on a wednesday means 99% of people who might have gone proabably won't go.

It won't happen on a big scale unless some cockneys get on board, but with the likes of Arsenal fans who think anything less than a grand is too cheap as welll as 'not doing it the proper way' I cant see this happening. Would be nice though.
I'm up for this mate. No point moaning about prices then doing nothing about it. The moneymen feed off such apathy.
foley87 said:
Didnt know which forum to put this in. Mods please move if feel neccessary.

Following on from the FSF meeting in Manchester the other month, tonight, Spirit of Shankley Supporters Group have held another meeting where the main topic up for discussion was the planning of a protest at Premier League HQ on the day the fixtures are released on the 19th June

This is a quick message to put the feelers out there to see who would be interested in coming down, with banners, and join a peaceful but noisy protest to fight against the ever increasing cost of tickets for away fans

If the numbers are there then we can look at arranging some coaches or booking trains etc...

Something needs to be done and what better day to be do it. It was us City fans that brought the issue to the medias attention back in January after our visit to The Emirates (even included a few tv appearance by yours truly haha) and we need to kick on from there with the help of SOS along with fans groups from United Everton and other supporters groups from around the country.

If people can DM me with names and numbers (ask your mates, the more the better) so I can get an idea on numbers

Thanks in advance



so you are saying we should let the Premier league know we cannot afford high ticket costs by paying £60 train fare to London?

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