It was a joke ! What the hell do I do with 100 xxl t shirts I had printed up saying....I have a confession to make.
Today I have been in so much pain, I’ve used a pencil to ‘type’ my posts and I was so down and depressed this morning with my feet and hands clamping plus my legs, kidneys etc. Painkillers weren’t working!
I thought to cheer myself up I’d post the protest.
So now I want to thank you, BlueMooners, for picking up the joke and making me smile and, even for a moment or two, taking away the pain a little.
THANK YOU, you are a wonderful group of human beings and true Blues.
Please don’t be feeling sorry for me. There are lots of people worse off than me. I get up every morning. That’s enough. It was just today I was down. Sorry about that. :-)
Free the Eccles 1
No blue mooner is going buy one now (now you see why they were all xxl)
I'm just glad I didn't ask the Specials to re-record their song.
Disappointed now.