PSG wage bill

NJ_BLUE said:
The bill will only last two years and its Considered more of a political statement an actual attempt to fix anything. Seeing how its only two years why would PSG sell the quality team they have assembled I'm sure its worth it to keep them take a huge 2 year hit than its back pre 75% conditions.
Along with that PSG's man opposition in the french league will not suffer and they cant allow Monaco to overtake the french league and ruin what they have been building.

Calling a tax temporary is the oldest trick in the book. The British government once introduced a temporary tax in 1799 to pay for the Napoleonic Wars. They called it "Income Tax" - and guess what? It still is temporary and has to be re-introduced every year.
bluethrunthru said:
pominoz said:
Falastur said:
All the more socialist countries of Europe charge the highest tax rates to their richest citizens. Most of Scandinavia has a top-level income tax of approaching 60%. I thought this was a very left-wing forum? I'm surprised that this is so unpopular, especially since it's only the millionaires who incur these rates.

And have you seen their healthcare and education systems?
If i was to live anywhere in Europe, it would be in a Scandinavian country.

It is a 2 year measure - depending on its success it will be reviewed / renewed for the 2015 tax year.

Turning to whether its right or wrong I suppose it depends on your outlook on life. Taking the nationals of any country I would think that they have a measure of pride in their citizenship so as such to make large tax donations is a patriotic duty to help get your country and fellow citizens out of the mire. As a wealthy individual earning in excess of 1 million euro p.a. you would still be much better off than a lot of your fellow citizens. Some people - unlike Cerano Depardieu - may not be as fortunate as to be able to relinquish citizenship and fuck off elsewhere rather than "pay their way" I accept however its about duty and moral responsibility

Alternatively you can hold the opposite view the poor are entiitled to nowt those in work can do so for minimum wage and the state should provide as little as possible. Problem with that as I see it is that seldom works -privatisation has not resulted in markedly better utilities and transport services just richer owners of said companies. More privatisation of the NHS is not making it better is it? Under this system the big flaw is eventually those at the bottom clutter the streets as homeless hungry and dying and those that have dropped from the middle to new working class have less and less money to spend which means economic growth is strangled even the rich gets poorer and no tax is collected.

You pays your tax monies and takes your choice. All I know is if I were Hollande I'd strip Gerard of any honours bestowed on him by la belle France, seize and liquidate any assets he has left in France and tell the cnut not to bother popping back to see family as he is no longer welcome

This , in spades, my friend

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