Quality of home shirts......

Everybody talked about pulls last year, i still haven't had a single pull in mine, and i wear them relatively often.
Blue Is the Opposite of Blue said:
For the last two years I've heard nothing but complaints about how the shirts pull too easily.

But I bought both kits in 2012/13 and the home shirt last year - twice because they printed Milner's name too high up my back so I had to return it - and not once have I looked at my shirts and thought they were coming apart or pulling.

It sounds a bit twattish of me to say, but just take better care of your shirts and they'll be fine. Like, if you have new kids or a dog then don't wear the shirt while they're climbing over you or something. I'd also advise against wearing shoulder-strap bags with the shirts because the straps can pull the lower corners opposite whichever shoulder you put it on.

'Right Son, there's your new footy shirt. Now put it on and sit down, very carefully, on the couch and watch telly. Do not jump about or roll on the floor in it. And whatever you do DO NOT play football in it.'
Tbilisi said:
I know there have been a few people talking about the quality and pulls that are in the shirts......has anyone taken one back?

I hate to do it as dont want to cost City but everyone I meet has the same problem.

Poor by Nike.
It won't cost City anything so you definitely shouldn't worry about that.

I saw these new shirts up close for the first time last week and couldn't believe how poor the quality was. Looked and felt like the kind of shite you'd pick up for a fiver from a market stall in Bangkok. The player-issue ones were much better, but then they cost about £30 more.

So in the space of two years, the cost of buying a shirt that actually resembles the one worn by the players has more than doubled. Nike really are a bunch of piss-taking scumbags.
Basement quality garments, made for as cheaply as possible, and sold to gullible football fans for high end prices.
Both home, away and third from last year are fine. So are my Umbro's from the previous years. I use them a lot and at matchday I don't go around taking care a lot. Yes, the tops can have a pull easier than my cotton t-shirt. So can every other sportswear-item I have because it's the way they are manufactured. For using them to do sport.
Any way, you can also buy your tops at AliExpress for just USD 16,00. It'll take a few weeks, but you won't get too annoyed if there's a pull showing. At least it'll stop most of you boohoo-ing and moaning.
My son's kit has got 3 pulls in it and he's only worn it twice.

The first pull had appeared before he wore it. I took it out of the carrier bag and it had a pull on the back!

He is only 2 years old though so spends most of the day playing on the floor with his cars or climbing onto furniture so damage it to be expected.

With this in mind though, wouldn't you think that Nike would make them a little more hard wearing.

The Umbro kit with the black logo was his first City kit and it didn't pull at all.
Last seasons home shirt pulled before I got it home and took it out of the bag, but once it had been through wash a few times it didn't pull again until very recently and that was my fault, so not sure if or why they would be more likely to pull when brand new but certainly seemed so from my experience.
Seeing as we're ragging on the shirt I'd like to add, in the vain hope that some Nike numpty is on here, that I will never buy a shirt that hasn't got a nice embroidered badge (aka the Umbro/Coq ones) whether it pulls badly or no. This shield nonsense can sod off

My mate got last years shirt and he's got quite a few pulls but it wasn't anything serious, wouldn't surprise me if this year's is the same. Nike's shirts are so poor, really annoys me Arsenal got Puma this year and the Rags are getting Adidas next year (who make lush shirts). We're stuck with this Nike shite for the forseeable future.
Not bought any shirt since we went to Nike....

I actually like the look of the new away shirt this season, but upon having a feel of it, continued not to waste my money.

Keep buying the overpriced shirts guys... I won't be having the piss taken out of me.
Dynamo11 said:
Seeing as we're ragging on the shirt I'd like to add, in the vain hope that some Nike numpty is on here, that I will never buy a shirt that hasn't got a nice embroidered badge (aka the Umbro/Coq ones) whether it pulls badly or no. This shield nonsense can sod off

My mate got last years shirt and he's got quite a few pulls but it wasn't anything serious, wouldn't surprise me if this year's is the same. Nike's shirts are so poor, really annoys me Arsenal got Puma this year and the Rags are getting Adidas next year (who make lush shirts). We're stuck with this Nike shite for the forseeable future.

Why don't you and your mate try and make one yourself. You can get all the materials from Stetford Precinct. If it looks decent you could sell them outside the ground

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