Queen of the Actresses - Jessica Alba - page 132

Re: Actress Champ Grand Final - Alba v Hayek - page 125

I've already voted, i'm just bumping this thread so it doesn't fall to page 2 lol
Re: Actress Champ Semi Final - Theron v Alba - page 114

Bigg Bigg Blue said:
citykev28 said:
Alba wins it 22-19. Sorry Jim, she never led after the first vote was cast.

Unfortunately, I have to bring bad news again. Bigg Bigg Blue has tried to cheat his way to victory following in Rushts footsteps by double voting. It will not be tolerated and I hereby issue a first public warning to him.
Anymore tomfoolery and I shall pull the plug on the competition at this crucial stage and nobody wants that. Feel free to PM Bigg Bigg Blue and tell him what a fool he's been.

World Actresses Babe Championship in Association with The Daisy Cutter.

Semi Final Matchday 2 :
Eva Mendes.........................................................Selma Hayek

Sorry to all who have been enjoying this competition but I did not know that I had double voted, I just thought that I had made a comment.

I will consider myself told off.

yeah whatever, at least i had the balls to own up.

Re: Actress Champ Semi Final - Theron v Alba - page 114

rushts said:
Bigg Bigg Blue said:
citykev28 said:
Alba wins it 22-19. Sorry Jim, she never led after the first vote was cast.

Unfortunately, I have to bring bad news again. Bigg Bigg Blue has tried to cheat his way to victory following in Rushts footsteps by double voting. It will not be tolerated and I hereby issue a first public warning to him.
Anymore tomfoolery and I shall pull the plug on the competition at this crucial stage and nobody wants that. Feel free to PM Bigg Bigg Blue and tell him what a fool he's been.

World Actresses Babe Championship in Association with The Daisy Cutter.

Semi Final Matchday 2 :
Eva Mendes.........................................................Selma Hayek

Sorry to all who have been enjoying this competition but I did not know that I had double voted, I just thought that I had made a comment.

I will consider myself told off.

yeah whatever, at least i had the balls to own up.


Never admit to anything mate, I always play dumb ( and I'm told that I am very good at it) :-)

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