Racist plane banner at game today

So all immigrants (regardless of ethnicity) are highly qualified, well trained, valuable and much needed contributors to society and anyone who suggests otherwise is a violent right-wing racist gobshite?

Also you appear to be quite comfortable with the concept of robbing highly qualified, expensively trained doctors and such like from under-developed countries where their skills and attributes are required much more so than here.

It's a shame for you that you weren't around in the glory days of the British Empire, with your morals you could have made a fortune from all the slave trading and general looting and pillaging of other countries valuable resources.

You completely misunderstood. It was an example, obviously not all are highly qualified, everyone knows that. What my point was is that these dickhead racists just lump everyone as ‘non-white’ without any thought to them as actual people and part of society.

Where did I say we should rob other countries of qualified people? Surely those people have a right to come and work here or anywhere else they choose. Once they are here they deserve respect, not being vilified as not British. Who cares where anyone is from?

The only people who don’t deserve respect are the racist pricks who actively try to intimidate non white/non British people.
The brain drain aspect of the immigration debate is absolutely relevant.

One of the most arrogant things I see is the idea that we must import Doctors and nurses into the NHS from India and the other countries on the subcontinent because the NHS is understaffed.

India has a massive shortage of Doctors and nurses itself, and parts of the country live in extreme poverty. The idea that we should bring them into the NHS to do bunion surgery for Mrs Mop down the road is middle class wankery.

The immigration laws in this country function entirely to depress wages. That's it, that's the entire point of them. In fact for most of history, severe immigration controls were the default position of left wing parties who recognised that introducing several million people into the working class labour market would do nothing but destroy unions, depress wages and tip the supply/demand scale in the favour of businesses.

Big businesses have never made more money at any time in history than they do now. That's for many reasons, but one of them is that the cost of goods has risen with inflation while wages have not. Wages have not risen because the labour demand market has been purposely rigged by successive Tory and Labour governments. My old man bought his house on the wage of a young engineer, equivalent to 3 years wages. For my nephew to buy the same house now, would take 16 years of wages. That's not wholly down to immigration of course but it's a big factor.

There are 32m working people in the UK. There are 15m foreign born nationals living in the UK.

If your view on this is smugly posting funny pictures and "hAhA rAcIsT gAmMoNs" then you're a fucking idiot. People who ignore a problem staring them in the face because its not on what they consider to be "their side" are cretins who shouldn't ever talk about politics
9.6m born outside the UK according to the ONS with 6m of them non-British.

The minimum wage rose 6.6% this month, more than most people's wage rise.
the world will have much bigger problems by 2066. i do think there is an apocalypse coming way before that in the 2040s.
And even the end of 30s wont be fun.
I would be inclined to draw that in a bit and say end of 20s the way things have been heading over the last couple of years.
You can debate whether the banner is racist all night long but the massive changes within society which most likely will occur over the coming decades for a variety of reasons may not be universally welcome.
I would be inclined to draw that in a bit and say end of 20s the way things have been heading over the last couple of years.
You can debate whether the banner is racist all night long but the massive changes within society which most likely will occur over the coming decades for a variety of reasons may not be universally welcome.
sorry to jump in, yes this is true
I would be inclined to draw that in a bit and say end of 20s the way things have been heading over the last couple of years.
You can debate whether the banner is racist all night long but the massive changes within society which most likely will occur over the coming decades for a variety of reasons may not be universally welcome.

I actually see trouble coming down the road earlier than that. Remember the 2011 summer riots? I can see that repeating itself in the not too distant future. The signs do look foreboding.
Blackpool is a popular departure point for plane banner flight.

Shocking message

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