Rags caught lying about attendances (merged)

Re: The city is ours


That's the bloke i was tellin' you about , over there , Fernando ... look how long his nose is .... his lot are the biggest fuckin' liars in the Premiership!
Re: Rags caught lying

In all fairness, we sell out every game yet have quite a few empty seats in the family stand. I believe the reports given for the rags cup games are correct, but 7,000 missing v Spurs, 6,000 missing v Arsenal and Liverpool. Maybe believable if the attendances excluded away fans.

Tottenham Hotspur 68,072 + away allocation
Arsenal 69,077 + away allocation
Re: The city is ours

I always knew the rags were liars .....

we took 250,000 fans to Barcelona indeed !

( I always knew there SHOULD have been a comma after the 2 , no comma after the 50 .... and two 0's less!
Re: Rags caught lying

ManCitizens. said:
In all fairness, we sell out every game yet have quite a few empty seats in the family stand. I believe the reports given for the rags cup games are correct, but 7,000 missing v Spurs, 6,000 missing v Arsenal and Liverpool. Maybe believable if the attendances excluded away fans.

Tottenham Hotspur 68,072 + away allocation
Arsenal 69,077 + away allocation

But attendace figures don't exclude away fans and never have done...
Re: Rags caught lying

dom said:
ManCitizens. said:
In all fairness, we sell out every game yet have quite a few empty seats in the family stand. I believe the reports given for the rags cup games are correct, but 7,000 missing v Spurs, 6,000 missing v Arsenal and Liverpool. Maybe believable if the attendances excluded away fans.

Tottenham Hotspur 68,072 + away allocation
Arsenal 69,077 + away allocation

But attendace figures don't exclude away fans and never have done...

That's why I'm calling bullshit, the article suggests not 1 game has sold out.
Re: The city is ours

K'inell ....... what a waste of fuckin' time an' money , Fergie told us this was the way to Carrow Road !


haha , you tight b*stard boss , you told 'em what ??????

Re: Rags caught lying

ManCitizens. said:
dom said:
ManCitizens. said:
In all fairness, we sell out every game yet have quite a few empty seats in the family stand. I believe the reports given for the rags cup games are correct, but 7,000 missing v Spurs, 6,000 missing v Arsenal and Liverpool. Maybe believable if the attendances excluded away fans.

Tottenham Hotspur 68,072 + away allocation
Arsenal 69,077 + away allocation

But attendace figures don't exclude away fans and never have done...

That's why I'm calling bullshit, the article suggests not 1 game has sold out.

No, it seems more to suggest not one game has had every seat filled, not that they haven't sold out. Same situation as us.
Re: Rags caught lying

LoveCity said:
ManCitizens. said:
dom said:
But attendace figures don't exclude away fans and never have done...

That's why I'm calling bullshit, the article suggests not 1 game has sold out.

No, it seems more to suggest not one game has had every seat filled, not that they haven't sold out. Same situation as us.

Fair enough, although I doubt we have more than 1,000 missing out of the 5,800 in the family stand but it is evident most games. Honestly can't see how almost 10% of the stadium didn't turn up in a games Vs Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham.
Re: The city is ours

Message for Fergie an' his bunch of liars .....


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