Raheem Sterling | Joins Chelsea for £50m

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I would like to think Raheem would do a similar goodbye video to Gabby, certainly after seven years with us?

If it's just a token thanks on Twitter, I would be disappointed, as it would just reinforce by belief he didn't really connect with City in his heart?

Hopeful he will gladly prove me wrong, as I really want to believe he loved his time here and will always have affection.
I'm afraid he strikes me as a character that doesn't give a flying sh*t about anything except the cash coming in each week and playing time. He showed no affinity to Liverpool will not to us and won't to Chelsea IMO. Hardly surprising since all groups of fans have one way or another publicly showed their dislike for him regularly.
I would like to think Raheem would do a similar goodbye video to Gabby, certainly after seven years with us?

If it's just a token thanks on Twitter, I would be disappointed, as it would just reinforce by belief he didn't really connect with City in his heart?

Hopeful he will gladly prove me wrong, as I really want to believe he loved his time here and will always have affection.
If he does, it will be contrived nonsense; about as genuine as his Gillette advert.

I've said it before... The lad's whole attitude seemed to change after his 'fight' with Gomez on England duty. He's come across as being somewhat detached from team mates (England and City) since then. Look at goal and title celebrations... he's not really part of the 'gang', and, compared to Gabriel Jesus, seems to me to be on the edge of everything.

His head hasn't been at City for two years. His heart has never been at City. His heart was never at Liverpool, and it won't be at Chelsea either.

There's nothing wrong with that. He's just a professional doing a job. He gets fed up at work just like the rest of us.

He should just smile and wave when he leaves. Anything else would be fake.
I don't recall him once saying anything good about the club or fans.
Or bad for that matter

A model professional is what I would call him.

A few very important goals but matched by some glaring missed chances is how I will remember him.

All have done well out of him being at City

Trophies for both plus we get our transfer fee money back
I'm afraid he strikes me as a character that doesn't give a flying sh*t about anything except the cash coming in each week and playing time. He showed no affinity to Liverpool will not to us and won't to Chelsea IMO. Hardly surprising since all groups of fans have one way or another publicly showed their dislike for him regularly.

Well yeah, I wouldn't exactly feel a connection with this fanbase if I was him. Partly because of what you've just pointed out. The shit that gets said on social media and in the stands about him every week is enough to put me off a large portion of you so I can't imagine how it feels for him.

Raheem Sterling is the example of a player who has had the media trying to bring him down ever since he made it big. He's suffered countless instances of racist abuse from inside and outside the stadium by gammon fans of all different clubs, including ours.

I'd start seeing it as nothing more than a job, too and I don't get why people act like a guy who has put up with so much shit for so long and seen his name dragged through the mud so many times owes anyone anything.

You guys can't help but have constant digs at him and make insinuations about his personality but I'll leave you with the words of somebody who actually knows and has worked with him; Kevin De Bruyne. I'd like to think they carry a bit more weight than your ten a penny bitter blue:

I am a brutally honest person. So I will let you in on a little secret. Before I came to Manchester City, I didn’t really know what to make of this Raheem Sterling guy. I had never met him, and from what I’d read about him in the English press, I thought he was going to be a very different character.

I thought.…


I didn’t think he’d be a bad guy, really. But the tabloids were always claiming that he was arrogant. So I guess I thought he’d be … what do the English call it?

A bit of a dickhead, maybe?

Raheem and I have this strong connection, because we arrived at City around the same time, and there was a lot of negativity about us in the press. They said I was “the Chelsea reject.” They said Raheem was this flashy guy who left Liverpool for money. They said we were difficult characters.

Of course, when you read this stuff about yourself, you think, Me? I’m not difficult. This is ridiculous. These people don’t even know me! But honestly, when you read about other players, it influences the way you think. You can’t help it.

Then I got to City and I actually met Raheem, and we’d talk a bit after training, and I thought, Wait, this guy seems really cool? What’s the story here?

Truthfully, I don’t have many close friends — inside or outside of football. It takes me a really long time to open up to people. But over time, I got closer to Raheem, because our sons were born around the same time, so they would always play together. I really got to know Raheem, and I recognized what a smart and genuine person he is. He couldn’t be more different from what the tabloids were saying.

This is the real truth: Raheem is one of the nicest, most humble guys I’ve met in football.
personally don't really care if he does a video or not,i haven't watched the gabby one and i wouldn't watch the raheem one, big fan of his at city , he came in for imo unfair stick on bluemoon off certain posters , done a great job for us,hope he stays healthy and happy but does fuck all in his football career from here on.

as long as we bring in better options than the players leaving im happy

Feels like people are just setting up another last stick to beat him with on the way out of the door.

Yeah he's our 10th highest goalscorer of all time, but his social media manager didn't make a 2 minute video for him to post so he's a ****.

Personally I expect Sterling will remain much more closely linked to Manchester than Jesus, given his wife's affordable property development plans and his foundation being set up specifically in Kingston, London and Manchester.
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