There is nothing you say that I would greatly disagree with. My opinion however remains that certainly as far as the match going fan base of most football clubs these days are pretty much past these kind of prejudice. I cannot for one minute imagine any supporters being remotely bothered if it turned out that one or more of our players were gay, infact the vast majority would not be interested at all.
If there is any problems within the clubs academies or a hostile to gay players being present within the teams at any level that is a problem for the footballing authorities.
My own view remains that the considerable amount of money spent on these things would be far better spent targeting areas and enviroments where there remains a serious issue with such unacceptable behaviours. I would further suggest that the decision to target the football going public rather than hard core areas of problems is more about those who run them than those whom they target. I am by and large of the view that people should be given a break from the constant barrage of politically correct propaganda that is a constant presence in almost every walk of life.
Now people might say you would have a different view if you had been on the end of prejudice or even worse, abuse. Well I have and I absolutely guarantee that I have had much more of it than 99% of gay, Muslim, or any other group of people. I have had it for all of my adult life. That abuse prejudice and bullying has had a devastating effect on my life, furthermore I equally guarantee that at least 80% of Bluemooners many of whom are happy to openly condemn bigotry and racism are and have been guilty of making completely unacceptable comments and expressing totally unacceptable opinions.
Suffice to say I have a condition that involves a considerable but largely invisable disability that have both physical and mental aspects. Yet sufferers of my and similar conditions are subject to abuse and prejudice on a huge scale but by and large society does little about it. I wont go into it all as I have no intention of hijacking this thread to bang on about my own issues with abuse, prejudice and bullying. I do point this out to quash any accusations of homophobia and the like. After all many on here and in the wider world are incredibly quick to get the answer five when presented with 2+2. The reason this happens is because they are desperate to be seen and heard championing a cause in the knowledge that they are first and foremost championing themselves.
Would I want to see City or football in general highlighting my condition? Not really and certainly not on matchday in the stadium. I am quite capable of putting people in the picture myself and prefer to fight my own battles but that is just me.
As for James MacClean not wearing a poppy well thats for another thread of course, but suffice to say I am in full agreement with those who strongly disapprove of his stance.