Raspberry Pi

Great for retropie, for retro game emulation (everything from Atari to PS1), I've set mine up to use PS4 wireless controllers via a cheap Bluetooth dongle to play 1000's of old school ROM's. It also has kodi integrated, all on a device no bigger than a cigarette packet. Sadly I can't run @aguerooooo 's superb bluemoon build on it but it is hooked up with @TCIB so I get by just fine. ;)

Edit - I have a raspberry pi type b with wifi and Bluetooth.
Is your Retropie running on a Pi 3? I tried setting this up on a Pi 2 with an Xbox 360 Controller. Managed to kind of get there but the controller didn't work on the games and
some of the newer games, ie SNES didn't load properly, picture was all scrambled. The install guides on YouTube seem to change so there's no 1 script to follow.
Is your Retropie running on a Pi 3? I tried setting this up on a Pi 2 with an Xbox 360 Controller. Managed to kind of get there but the controller didn't work on the games and
some of the newer games, ie SNES didn't load properly, picture was all scrambled. The install guides on YouTube seem to change so there's no 1 script to follow.
Yeah sorry I meant to say a Pi 3 type b. My mate had loads of bother with Xbox controllers and they were the wired type. I didn't want to have more controllers knocking about so I read loads of stuff online (Reddit is good for this type of stuff, the retropie forums are alright as well unless you're looking for information on where to get roms) and managed to set up my controllers from my PS4 via a £5 Bluetooth dongle - which I have to unplug before I load kodi on my Pi, as the controllers don't behave properly but I can live with that as my TV remote controls kodi on the raspberry Pi. I did have to use the 'terminal' and add several bits of script/code which sounds scarier than it actually is - I would advise reading as much as you can before messing about with things beyond your understanding because the Pi can be temperamental but saying that loading retropie is quite easy.
I've not had any problems with playing any systems on my Pi (except N64 but that's the norm, there are very few emulators capable of running N64) that's not to say every game out there runs perfect. There are a lot of bad roms or games that just won't emulate properly, see N64, that's the flaw with game emulation it isn't perfect. Mine plays every system up to PS1 pretty near perfect, thinking about it my raspberry Pi is 'overclocked' as well which enables it to run games at a higher speed which helps. I'm not sure if the Pi 2 has the same overclock capabilities? You can also also clone your micro SD card after setting your Pi up enabling you to produce an exact copy of your SD card including all of the settings and all of the games to place into another raspberry Pi for a mate ;)
I've moved on to 'hacking' the virtual Wii side of an old Wii U, which allows me to play Wii and GameCube roms from an external hard drive (and they are just like playing retail discs not emulated games) plugged into my Wii U. I've also added NES, SNES, GB Advance and Sega (which plays all sega systems except dreamcast and Saturn) emulators to it as well so I can play all the old retro emulators Sega/Nintendo and play Wii and GameCube (perfect not emulators) on a Wii U. The Wii U side still plays perfectly as well and there's even a way to play 'cough' stuff on there using something called Loadiine. Anyway I digress, without messing about with my Pi - I wouldn't have attempted to unlock the power of the redundant Wii U as the process of doing that is full of Nintendo's booby traps and can result in a bricked console. I'm looking into unlocking the power of my PS4 at the moment.

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