Rate this season

Too many mistakes from a top manager: Bravo a disaster, Yaya a really silly argument (and a bit of vanity from Pep), full back should have been sorted at least a year ago, too much critcism in public of players, fans. Nolito????
But, to be fair, Sane and Jesus and improved Sterling real plusses and Kun looks better in the new style. A settled role for KdB needed.

So.....a generous 7.

If he's learnt about English football, especially the need for balance. we'll do well next year. If not......bye bye.
Rate this season? B-
Great Top and Tail, underarchieved in the middle. No pots. An opportunity missed.
De Bruyne hitting the bar against Chelsea was the "sliding doors moment" of the season - shot goes in, we win the game and could well have won the league. shot hit the bar (which it did) chilean thug scores at the other end and we lose the impetus to end up where we are now.
Even though no trophy still good for a 7.5

I have seen far more positives, yes there have been a few lows and Pep needs to swallow pride and learn to focus more on defensive.

But I have seen the best football, passing and moving that I have seen since we won league under mancini.. I feel we have had to take a step back and learn to improve, if we get the right signings at the back this summer we will become a force.

A few players that have stood out...

Silva - class of his own, brilliant
Sane - What a buy, he is magic !
Gab Jesus - Better than naymar, one of most skillful players I have seen, future star if not already.
Sergio - say no more, brilliant
Vinny - thank god he is back, shows how good he is
Otamendi - when he partners with the right guy he is a great defender.
Gundagon - shame he got injured, looked very good
Sterling - major improvement this year
Yaya - hope he stays, like his new roll.
Yaya a really silly argument (and a bit of vanity from Pep)

too much critcism in public of players

Each to their own but these two points are just completely and utterly ridiculous.

Yaya wouldn't reign his chunky twat of an agent in and was overweight. He ended up apologising and playing the best football he's played in years.

And the "too much criticism in public of players" is totally bizarre.
I'd give that season 6.5, I think 7's a tad too generous, and 6 too harsh. But honestly, perhaps we were living in a bit of a fool's paradise for those first ten games. There were obviously big problems with the squad, especially at the back, and they weren't going to be fixed in one summer, prior to Pep's first season. So after the bubble was burst at Tottenham, I didn't really expect it to be more than a 6.5, 7 season at the most.
Next season's an entirely different story, though. As far as I'm concerned, the honeymoon's over. That team have to be winning trophies, with the talent and manager they've got.

I'd be curious, though, to know what people's most disappointing match over the whole season is. I thought about starting a thread about it, and then thought, nah, that's too negative to deserve its own thread, with us just having qualified direct for the CL. For me, it's clearly the return match at Monaco, especially those first forty-five minutes. Cup semi-final against Arse comes a close second, though. Both of those matches we should have taken by the scruff of the neck.
My remarks:
1. When we played well, we were really, really good.
2. The limiting factor was mainly the defensive half of our team, and we are going to address that this summer.
3. Pep went through a learning curve regarding the premier league and he will also be better next season.
4. The small margins were not really in our favor in some important situation. Being sent out of the Champions League despite scoring 6 goals over 2 games, and loosing in the FA Cup semi-final after extra time are the prime examples. Things could so easily have gone differently in those games, and then the season would have looked significantly better.

I am exited about next season. With the right buys we will be much stronger.

I was expecting us to contest for the title and lift a domestic trophy. There's a disconcerting gulf in class between us and Chelsea at the moment. Hell, you could even extend that argument to Spurs, too.

I was expecting us to contest for the title and lift a domestic trophy. There's a disconcerting gulf in class between us and Chelsea at the moment. Hell, you could even extend that argument to Spurs, too.

Over the whole season, there's no arguing with that. Points accumulation doesn't lie.
Head to head, though, we were better than both at our place, in my opinion, and should definitely have taken the three points in both cases. I'm not too worried about them, with the right recruitment this summer. That's the key condition.

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