Reasonable price for a pram???


Well-Known Member
10 Dec 2008
Still feeling champion
Me and the missus have got a baby due in January and she's been looking at prams tonight showing me all these deals, prices etc. It seems the one's she's after including car seat and coverting to a buggy are coming in between £400 and £500 seems pretty expensive to me was just wondering what other bluemooners thought was a reasonable amount to pay?
we got a graco from toysrus,get car seat and everything with it.£200!! fortunately,the mrs liked the look of it aswell.

problem is,there a fashion accessory arent they,and you cant say wait till jan sales in case the baby comes early. my little un was born derby day last jan.
Bigga said:
Dannyctid said:
Just hope she's happy with one mate. In my experience women usually want about 3 for different bloody things.

Feck me, I thought it was just my nutty Mrs!

Made her sell two and have two left!

One more to go!

I think it's most of them mate, it's some kind of syndrome. The thing is it's not worth the hassle is it, we just end agreeing and buying them.
I've got a Mammas n Pappas Travel system thingy for sale,think it was north of £400 around 6 years ago. It#s going on ebay next week, it's in good good nick. PM if you're interested ( unles its your 1st, then the Missus will insist on all brand New)

Good Luck with your new family!
Bit of advice for you.. wait until the Baby show comes to the G-Mex.

Go to the Mothercare stall and get a card for all your purchases, you will get 10% off for using it plus an additional 10% off for buying at the show. So that would be £400 instead of £500. Just make sure you pay the card off after and whatever you do, don't let the missus keep it.

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