Recession, Football Hooliganism and Unemployment...

It's like a re-run of the 80's.....Tory MP's slagging off Moss Side,3 million on the dole,"Best of Ska" compilation albums on the TV,The Specials still eerily singing "Ghost Town,"and of course,Millwall and West Ham getting proper nawty......

Just seen an add for "The Firm"....yet another "Cockney boyz gettin it on wiv fackin norvern mankeys guvner" film...they were all wearing Tacchini tops...looked like one of those old school "breaking wars" on lino outside the Arndale.....piss funny.
NQT said:
We'll nip over to Orgreave for a scrap.

Really though, unemployment + recession = violence at football

It's spot on that mate. I have always believed that when a man feels vulnerable and unable to fulfil the 'hunter gatherer' role, then they tend to become tribal and more inclined to form a clique with others of a similar ilk - to kind of force their masculinity on others and prove they are still strong. It's human nature isn't it?

It's a bit sad really, but if I am honest, I think it's why football is, and always will be, truly, a working man's game. I think it is also why you don't tend to see the same level of anger and emotion at Rugby, Cricket and other more elitest sports. You would never see what we witnessed today - at a rugby game would you? I know it is a little simplistic, but the people that watch those sports will never have the same emotion as people like us, as they are more affluent and less consumed with a past time. They haven't the time to let a sport rule their life.

Shite, I might have to get the tin-hat out after that summary!
Things are a lot different nowadays, Policing is better, Club Sanctions etc, it will not return to anything like the level it was, and a good job too! The Clubs will see to that
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Thatcher's Britain all over again.

Only this time around, Labour are:

Letting the rich bankers get away with fucking murder whilst plumetting the world into a recession and forcing millions of brits onto the dole.

Taxing the hard-working to fucking death, until they cannot afford to go to football match's.

Banning smoking and shutting down 8 pubs per day, destroying community spirit and turning the youth into fucking unruly lunatics.

Making the fucking workshy, middle-class, paying them to sit on their arses all day doing fuck all but watch TV.

Inviting millions of people into the country to suck on the teat of an already creaking benefit system and NNS, due to the last point.

Lying to us all about a threat that didn't exist then taking us to wars, on the back of USA orders, whilst not bothering to equip are bravest men with the correct equipment to fight them.

Not building any fucking roads even though traffic is slowing down by 10% per year.

Etc, etc, etc, etc...I could go on for years.

Fuck me, just like Thatcher's Britain eh? Bring her back now for me.
ManCityFC said:
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Thatcher's Britain all over again.

Only this time around, Labour are:

Letting the rich bankers get away with fucking murder whilst plumetting the world into a recession and forcing millions of brits onto the dole.

Taxing the hard-working to fucking death, until they cannot afford to go to football match's.

Banning smoking and shutting down 8 pubs per day, destroying community spirit and turning the youth into fucking unruly lunatics.

Making the fucking workshy, middle-class, paying them to sit on their arses all day doing fuck all but watch TV.

Inviting millions of people into the country to suck on the teat of an already creaking benefit system and NNS, due to the last point.

Lying to us all about a threat that didn't exist then taking us to wars, on the back of USA orders, whilst not bothering to equip are bravest men with the correct equipment to fight them.

Not building any fucking roads even though traffic is slowing down by 10% per year.

Etc, etc, etc, etc...I could go on for years.

Fuck me, just like Thatcher's Britain eh? Bring her back now for me.

Haha, dunno about bringing her back but sadly there's far too many similarities. I just hope these scenes were purely because it was West Ham and Millwall (not that thats acceptable) and other fans don't see this and think it's cool and want to make 'names for themselves.'
Can't believe the Police weren't expecting violence of that level, as soon as the tie was announced there was a thread on here about it, if we were bright enough to work it out you'd have thought the MET would have been too......
Bellamy's Caddy said:
ManCityFC said:
Only this time around, Labour are:

Letting the rich bankers get away with fucking murder whilst plumetting the world into a recession and forcing millions of brits onto the dole.

Taxing the hard-working to fucking death, until they cannot afford to go to football match's.

Banning smoking and shutting down 8 pubs per day, destroying community spirit and turning the youth into fucking unruly lunatics.

Making the fucking workshy, middle-class, paying them to sit on their arses all day doing fuck all but watch TV.

Inviting millions of people into the country to suck on the teat of an already creaking benefit system and NNS, due to the last point.

Lying to us all about a threat that didn't exist then taking us to wars, on the back of USA orders, whilst not bothering to equip are bravest men with the correct equipment to fight them.

Not building any fucking roads even though traffic is slowing down by 10% per year.

Etc, etc, etc, etc...I could go on for years.

Fuck me, just like Thatcher's Britain eh? Bring her back now for me.

Haha, dunno about bringing her back but sadly there's far too many similarities. I just hope these scenes were purely because it was West Ham and Millwall (not that thats acceptable) and other fans don't see this and think it's cool and want to make 'names for themselves.'
Can't believe the Police weren't expecting violence of that level, as soon as the tie was announced there was a thread on here about it, if we were bright enough to work it out you'd have thought the MET would have been too......

Perhaps your right, I doubt I would want her back, perhaps we should have forced elections after a certain amount of time like in USA? They might work a little harder then, rather than buying wide-screen TV's for their tax-dodged - tax payer funded London penthouses eh?

Police - Intelligence. Nope....don't work mate. Forget it. Most of us would have organised the strictest of segregation, 5 times more police and stewards and thousands of dibble around the town and scouring the web to figure out where it was going to 'go-off', but all boils down to money. The clubs have to pay for the police presence, and if the clubs won't pay, the police won't stay. A money diseased system I am afraid.
ManCityFC said:
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Thatcher's Britain all over again.

Only this time around, Labour are:

Letting the rich bankers get away with fucking murder whilst plumetting the world into a recession and forcing millions of brits onto the dole.

Taxing the hard-working to fucking death, until they cannot afford to go to football match's.

Banning smoking and shutting down 8 pubs per day, destroying community spirit and turning the youth into fucking unruly lunatics.

Making the fucking workshy, middle-class, paying them to sit on their arses all day doing fuck all but watch TV.

Inviting millions of people into the country to suck on the teat of an already creaking benefit system and NNS, due to the last point.

Lying to us all about a threat that didn't exist then taking us to wars, on the back of USA orders, whilst not bothering to equip are bravest men with the correct equipment to fight them.

Not building any fucking roads even though traffic is slowing down by 10% per year.

Etc, etc, etc, etc...I could go on for years.

Fuck me, just like Thatcher's Britain eh? Bring her back now for me.

so then in 10 years time, traffic would of slowed down?
ManCityFC said:
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Thatcher's Britain all over again.

Only this time around, Labour are:

Letting the rich bankers get away with fucking murder whilst plumetting the world into a recession and forcing millions of brits onto the dole.

Taxing the hard-working to fucking death, until they cannot afford to go to football match's.

Banning smoking and shutting down 8 pubs per day, destroying community spirit and turning the youth into fucking unruly lunatics.

Making the fucking workshy, middle-class, paying them to sit on their arses all day doing fuck all but watch TV.

Inviting millions of people into the country to suck on the teat of an already creaking benefit system and NNS, due to the last point.

Lying to us all about a threat that didn't exist then taking us to wars, on the back of USA orders, whilst not bothering to equip are bravest men with the correct equipment to fight them.

Not building any fucking roads even though traffic is slowing down by 10% per year.

Etc, etc, etc, etc...I could go on for years.

Fuck me, just like Thatcher's Britain eh? Bring her back now for me.

Re read your own post and then reconsider how any of these phenomena weren't as much a product of Thatcher's policies as not ?

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