Recommend me some books!

Bill Bryson -- A Short History of The Universe or whatever it is called is a great read.
Another fan of Somme Mud here, but if you are wanting to read 5 books before March, dont touch it, it is one of those books that you will read and read again, and everytime find something new that you had missed before, absolutely superb, laughter, tears, excitement and a gripping read.
50 people who fouled up football is another interesting read, but more in a sort of pick up & read a few chapters as & when you find time rther than a compulsive read.
Dont Cry for Me Argentina was written by the journo's that went with the task force, but rather than telling the story of the war, it tells of the squaddie humour and the internal politics between Journo's and High Ranking Officers, or the Mess - Wardroom debates, a very good read (not wishing to take anything away from the brave men and women that liberated the Falklands).
Some of Bill Brysons books are superb, others left me a bit flat, depends on your taste.
As you are currently at Uni, I have stayed away from Fact based books as i assume that you will be looking for more light hearted type of book, but Somme Mud is essential reading.
Really appreciate the replies! I've made a list of a few books that have intrigued me most from there descriptions on amazon, going to invest in them soon. I've bookmarked the page to come back to in the future.

Once again, nice one blues!

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