Red Dead Redemption

It looks awesome!

This kind of game has been a long time coming IMO. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Pearcey said:
Challenger1978 said:
I'm sure i played a game like that years ago, i cant think of the name though.

Red Dead Revolver on the PS2?

Thats definatly it as it had Red in the name.
I've been telling me mates about this for a while now.

Love the wild west (Eastwood is a legend, and the spag westerns are just too good).

Rockstar know how to make a sandbox game (GTA series). I also like the fact that this company has made possibly the best game ever (pick any GTA for each era and they must always be in the top 10), and they are a british company.

Lets hope they make a british version of GTA/Red dead, but i supose it wouldn't appeal to the yanks.
Clubber said:
I've been telling me mates about this for a while now.

Love the wild west (Eastwood is a legend, and the spag westerns are just too good).

Rockstar know how to make a sandbox game (GTA series). I also like the fact that this company has made possibly the best game ever (pick any GTA for each era and they must always be in the top 10), and they are a british company.

Lets hope they make a british version of GTA/Red dead, but i supose it wouldn't appeal to the yanks.

If they did it would probably end up as a remake of GTA London.
Oh my, I've been looking at this for a while, but somehow missed that theres MULTIPLAYER?!!

This looks incredible fun.



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