You say that public R&D created innovation but public R&D does not do anything with that innovation. The public sectors are not competing with the private sector. Innovation is created as a mutual benefit with the private sector who in the end are the ones who create products and jobs. This envy politics has to end.What a fucking clown that prick is. Most innovation comes out of public R&D, be that the space race, NASA, MIT, our very own UMIST for graphene etc etc. the hard yards for vaccines are done at universities, the private sector then cherry pick the best bets.
That prick Musk has taken billions in subsidies for his EV and space programs, along with the best students.
As much as you may not like it we need to protect industrialists such as Musk because his type of companies create the jobs and projects that matter. Tesla just for example employs 120,000 skilled average joes. Would you rather that those 120,000 people weren't employed and no EV's were built instead?
Musk actually hasn't taken the best students either. In the US and UK the best students follow the money and the biggest money is in big finance and not engineering. We produce many clever people who could change the world but instead of doing that they're currently working at major tax consultancies such as KPMG helping Amazon to avoid tax.
You only have to look at the UK, we're moving to a service economy dominated by the finance industry. However, big finance is worth 10% of GDP and yet it employs less than 2% of the population. An even smaller % of those jobs in finance are in the north, probably less than 0.1% so with manufacturing employing less is it any wonder that we're all skint?
Would the north love Musk to base a Tesla factory up here and create thousands of jobs? Abso-fooking-lutely.
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