
Hunter is persona non grata as far as City are concerned...well, that's the way it should be.
I have sent an e-mail to Sky and told some things that I cant write here. But I can tell you one thing. I wrote that I hope that he wakes up whit an monkey up is bum
johnny crossan said:
bobmcfc said:
Project said:
Graham Hunter on SSN

"he won't do a Robinho - he wont go just anywhere because there is a big fee on other"

i heard that too, what a twatzoid ! (as pam would say)


Watch out for him

twats perfect for rag anal insertion
Regarding Hunter's comment about Robbie coming for the money,it's funny that when a player signs for a club that hasn't won anything for years but clearly has the potential and ambition to (City), they are labelled mercenary and lacking ambition. Yet when a player signs for a club which regularly wins trophies, they are never accused of taking the easy route to a bit of silverware or jumping on the trophy bandwagon.
sam the drummer said:
I fecking hope he doesnt go to them c*nts, hes my favourite non-City player and I cant stand MADrid.

Oh and on SSN the reporter couldnt help take a dig at us could he? 'Hes not going to do a Robinho and go where theres money' TWAT

How ridiculous. It's creepy the number of rags that work for that news station.
bluegorton said:
Regarding Hunter's comment about Robbie coming for the money,it's funny that when a player signs for a club that hasn't won anything for years but clearly has the potential and ambition to (City), they are labelled mercenary and lacking ambition. Yet when a player signs for a club which regularly wins trophies, they are never accused of taking the easy route to a bit of silverware or jumping on the trophy bandwagon.

Errr, Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand play for nothing. Niether of them have ever been paid one penny for their services. You pissing well know this, so stop wasting our time whinging about the fornicator, Hunter. He is dead right ... as usual.
Just remind them:

How much was Ronaldo on?
How many 20 million plus players have you bought?
How many times have you paid record fee's since the premier league started?
How is it your players are always in controversy. Cantana Kung-Fu Kick, Ferdinand "Missing" a drugs test.
How is it a Utd player (neville) almost got the england side to go on strike in support of Ferdinand.
How many points a season do you get from unjust free kick and penalty decisions.
And thats not even starting with the sponser on memorial statue, and debt, and the list can go on forever.
ogaboga said:
I have sent an e-mail to Sky and told some things that I cant write here. But I can tell you one thing. I wrote that I hope that he wakes up whit an monkey up is bum

Your email didn't work. They've just shown it again.
Talkshite >> "According to sources Owen is in talks with manu" The cockneys are not happy

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