Rio Ferdinand

Oh ffs. Flintoff tried it and made a cock of himself. Nobody's ever done it sucessfully - ever - and it's unlikely anybody ever will. Rich kid playing at being a cnut. The path you're telling us you chose just seems to have made you really bitter and controversial. If that was a good move then...perhaps Wio should go for it.
He should go for it. It will make or break him.
People like him cannot handle slipping into oblivion and becoming an irrelevance (which he was anyway IMO) they need to be in the spotlight and they need to live their lives in the media bubble.
Him tragically losing his wife does not make him any less of as **** in my opinion, or any less of an attention seeking camel gobbed fuckwit...!
Throwing his hat into the professional boxing ring at thirty eight having never boxed before, is he having a laugh.

I boxed at amateur level in a charity event ten years ago at four years his junior and despite being in good physical shape the fight was hard work to say the least. Its not just about getting fit and throwing punches its ring craft, technique and the ability to take a punch. I don't mind admitting that I got battered, which was slightly easier to swallow after I found out my opponentc was a bit of a ringer and was a Mu Thai champion. So bad was My beating my mate said to me if you ever fight again have the theme tune from Casualty as your walk out music.

It's the arrogance of the prick thinking he'll be able to compete against fighters who've boxed all their lives just because he's do a bit of pad work and happens to be friendly with Anthony Joshua.

You can bet your bottom dollar his PR team will line up some turkey who'll be paid well to take a fall. I do however hope he ends up fighting a proper brawler who retires this arrogant excuse of a man before his boxing career starts.


They'll never risk anyone half decent as those things have a habit of ending badly.

but I still prefer this one- priceless

Balo would drop him lol
I'm going to go against the grain.

Boxing isn't like singing, where modern technology can mask shortcomings in your technique and your capabilities are much more subject to the vagaries of subjectivity, and as such, people with no palpable talent can flourish. In the boxing ring there is no such hiding. If you're a charlatan, you will be punished in a discernibly painful and public manner.

At 38, he's opened himself up to ridicule and humiliation in a way that a manufactured pop artist would never be exposed.

Assuming he's put against worthwhile opposition, then good luck to him, I say. At his age, I made a decision to take a gamble and change direction in my life in a pretty significant way; some people were supportive, others scoffed - it worked out ok. To those that scoffed: go fuck your mum's ****.

Given all the above, if it comes off for him, in any meaningful way, it will be an unbeatable feeling for him. That, and his ego, are why he's doing this, safe in the knowledge, no doubt, that it won't do his profile any harm, whatever the outcome - and he won't be sweeping the streets.

If nothing else, it demonstrates to me that he's got a MASSIVE pair of bollocks - and for that reason alone, I wish him all the very best. Anyone who backs themselves like that, deserves a degree of admiration, even if they are a Camelgobbed ****.

I agree. One of the most profound questions of our time - could you actually get tired of watching Rio Ferdinand get punched in the face - is finally going to be answered, once and for all.

Fair play to him for making it happen.

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