Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

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Why should they care about a society they've never, and never will be a part of?

So much hatred in this thread. Get your bovver boots on lads, your society needs you.
My mate, a girl who is like 4 foot 11, was on her own and has just been charged at by about 15 rioters. Fucking scum.
shadygiz said:
sky news live feed

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Do you have one of those of us outside the UK Shady? I have a BBC one but would like to see the Sky coverage.
uncle charlie wilson said:
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Ferdinand -

Unrest now in Manchester....come on now....this isn't the way....stooooooooop it. What is this in aid of?? Innocent people are the victims.
UberSocial for BlackBerry • 09/08/2011 18:39

You've quoted that degenerate for comment on what is a symptom of a much greater political and social issue?

Many of these kids have no future. They're bitter, and they resent what they've been left to inherit from our ruling classes.

Disaffected youth.

Products of our state schools and crumbling, deprived estates.

Nick Clegg and David Cameron live and were raised in an idyllic bubble, both were privately schooled at Eton.

What right do they have to pass judgement on these kids? They have no understanding of the environment they grew up in, the environment that they'll be condemned to for the rest of their lives. The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen in this country and as a result many of these kids are getting restless.

And now, it appears the police were, quite predictably, lying about the circumstances of Mark Duggan's death. He didn't fire at them as they claimed, but he was still shot dead.

I won't condone the looting of small businesses or the cases of violence against other members of the public, but I will say, that if I was a little younger, I'd be out rioting with them.

Big corporations, the police - fair game.

i just fucking despair. political & social issue? what the fuck are you on about? this has fuck all to do with politics or social deprivation & everything to do with opportunistic thieving, assault & vandalism. these aren't angry mobs protesting about injustices, they're just thieving bastards with a sideline in arson. maybe you'd change your tune if a bunch of scrotes torched your house/flat & car/van leaving you homeless & unable to work. until then fuck off.

and while you're on about duggan, it now transpires that when he was shot he was waving about a fully working firearm & not a dummy weapon as his supporters have been claiming.
uncle charlie wilson said:
Why should they care about a society they've never, and never will be a part of?

So much hatred in this thread. Get your bovver boots on lads, your society needs you.

I don't normally call for posters to be banned but can a mod please ban this ****.
He's either too stupid to be here or he's on the wum. Either way he's a **** that bm doesn't need.
what about piccadilly bus station ? are buses still coming in and out ? alot of people use that to get home including my mother, if those buses stop alot of people will be stranded in trafford park industrial estate. I said I'd be embarrassed if this happend to manchester and it has and I'm more embarrassed than i thought I would be, we have serious problems in this country.
I am fucking fuming its now hit our city. it's one thing when pockets of london are randomly targeted, but to think that the GMP are allowing a bunch of scallys to loot our fucking city centre just makes my blood boil! there is no excuse for being caught off guard when you are responsible for protecting the Uk's second city when trouble has been spreading for days- sort the vermin out!
Surprised at the lack of black people involved given the amount of posters who yesterday claimed the riots in other cities were caused by blacks,and would most likely start in areas where black people reside ie Moss Side/ Cheetham Hill.
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