Rip off Ireland

blumoon said:
Just been on the phone to the FAI looking for 2 tickets for the game v Bulgaria tomorrow night. Girl says yes we have tickets left, you can have 2@ 70 euro or 2 @ 50 euro. I said i only want one adult and one child. Sorry she said we are sold out of child tickets. WTF i say..........surely you can give me an adult ticket at child price like the rest of the civilised football world does?. No she says it's not OUR policy. Well says I, you can stick your tickets. My lad will prob be a tad disappointed, but the 2 of us are at the Emerites next week and the whole day out with fights and match tickets came to less then 100 euro!!!. Rant over just thought i would share it with you all lol.
Kin 'ell mate who are you fighting for that sort of money, even the bare knuckle lads get more than that !!!!!!!

Seriously you've done well to get that lot for 100 Euro's. I don't blame you in the least for not being railroaded into paying full price, if more people took your stance they would have to change. By the time the penny drops,all these Associations/clubs will be so deep in the s... it will be too late.
Sounds ridiculous, almost as if the seats for adults are different from the ones for children.

I'd ring back and hope to get through to someone who isn't a total fuckwit.
I've had a few arguments with lads at work regarding the ticket prices for Ireland matches. Yes they are quite high but you have to bare in mind that the Association [FAI] only makes money on the 6 or so home, senior team Internationals each year. There's another 170 plus fixtures across the levels that have to be paid for plus the regional coaching set-up to develop the game.
sdavros said:
the problem is that people pay the prices. If people refused to pay they would have to bring them down.

Yeah. Football fans are a little short on solidarity in these situations. As long as someone has their child priced ticket they're alright. Been speaking to non-City fans who have a ticket for the Hamburg match. They are quite pleased and just can't empathise with the regular City fans who haven't got a ticket. But the FAI will need to give the Emerald Prince his own jacuzzi if they're ever going to entice him back.

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