Robbie In Trouble Again? NOTW

It's just relentless from these tabloid hacks. The continued anti-Man City propoganda. It serves the purpose for what it's designed for, that is to portray the club as football's anti-Christ.

Fuck, if I were in Robbie's shoes I'd demand a full-page apology from the scumbags, not some pathetic couple of paragraphs hidden away on the corner of page 11 or something. I'd also demand a substantial to fee be donated to the kids charity.
lee-mcfc said:
dw7 said:
if true he's a scumbag

he was there you muppet!
The article doesn't say he wasn't there, to be fair. As i said above, we all know he was there, but i don't think he was there with the rest of the squad. There is a video on the OS of him doing an interview, but none of the rest of the squad appear to be there. Then, he isn't even on the video that actually shows the entire squad bowling. So i genuinely do believe he was late, for whatever reason. The reason for his lateness, and the NOTW saying his future is in doubt is probably them just adding some juicy bits to it to make a story... like usual. But i reckon he was well late.
Everyones favourite target at the moment, from officials to the media and the best way to pay them back is to win things and give them the v sign..fuckers.

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