If he's smart he'll move to the US and get elected as a senator from a southern state.
It won’t work for him. The poor fella is black.
If he's smart he'll move to the US and get elected as a senator from a southern state.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly it takes on here to turn it back on the victim,****sFrankly, you deserve everything that does come your way. Presumptuous, racist, misogynistic bollocks, that. Utter stupidity.
Is the right answer.
It doesn't matter if she was or not,she was gang raped and that's all that matters
Damn. I guess he's screwed then.It won’t work for him. The poor fella is black.
How many ex players have we had in prison now,this one,johnson,barton,the youngster in the car crash
He raped them too.Bad timing. On this day on the club's Facebook star man against arsenal is...
You deserve all the incoming you get. As well as how horrific gang rape is as a crime, which is the real issue here, you also denigrate her nationality, and make wild assumptions based on nothing other than generalismThe fact is though that he can't keep his dick in his pants and any high profile person is always at risk of being accused if they dip their wick
I don't know anything about this case, but reading Albanian girl in what I take it is a quite exclusive club, makes me presume she's on the game
Puts hard hat on and waits for incoming