Rodwell snippet on change in playing style

Marvin said:
Thought this was interesting. Yaya might struggle with this
He likes us to press high up and press in numbers, really get the ball back as soon as possible and then play simple football. I think that’s the way to play at the moment. You look at Barcelona and it works for them so hopefully we’ll adapt.’

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Something else he said.....Javi Garcia and Negredo were together at real madrid and Garia reckons that Negredo is a really good footballer.
Yaya didn't have a problem with it at Barça, and besides if we press better as a team, it will be less work for everyone.
The only player who I think will struggle with this concept is Nasri. I believe Sinclair might actually flourish.
I wouldn't think much of Rodwell if he criticised an ex-coach and someone who clearly has helped him a lot.

Playing to the gallery doesn't really get you very far. Hard work and respecting those around you does
Like the pressing element of Barca's game, but less convinced that tika-taka is the way forward, and particularly not sans anyone like Lionel Messi. Game plans evolve and opposition teams eventually catch on. 3 years ago Barca looked invincible, but since then I've watched Chelsea and Celtic suffocate them, and Bayern (and to a lesser degree PSG) tear them to pieces, men against boys. A more direct game incorporating elements of tika-taka would perhaps serve us better in the Prem?
black mamba said:
Football's all about giving the opposition more problems then they can give you , do that and you've a great chance of winning most games .... and the more players you get up the field , the more you'll give the opposition problems !

Too many times last season we never gave the less endowed teams enough to think about and they only need a corner or a free kick and yer done for - note MCFC v Wigan, league AND FArceCup! How we could play the way we did for the first hour of the semi v CFC then a month later play like we did v The PieEaters is something I still haven't got me marbles round! It's this that I hope Pellegini has his finger on. The way all the CL teams played last season at The Etihad belied the fact that they were the away side - ninety minutes of pressing and then lightning attacks. I was beginning to wonder now that Carlos has gone, who would do the running down, but if they all do their bit, we'll be quids in!
So basically what Mancini was trying last season but hopefully better?

Big difference is Barcelona have 3 of the very best midfielders in the world and the best player in the world. Even then they get struggle playing this way against the top sides in Europe.

I hope we are not putting all our eggs in one basket. We lacked a plan B under Mancini and in this league you have to have more than one way of playing if things aren't going well.

Tevez got us out of jail last season with wonder goals against Swansea and Wigan at home and we were also extremely fortunate to beat Reading. These sides came for a point and almost got one. It was a flash of genius from Tevez that bailed us out in two of them. Have we got that genius now he has gone? Im not so convinced. Barcelona will always have that genius.
davymcfc said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
davymcfc said:
Yeah but he just seemed over complimentary that Moyes was given such a great job. Be that as it may I don't really want to hear a city player saying that.
I give up. WTF do you want him to say? He's talking about a manager who developed him and gave him a first-team opportunity. He might think Moyes is a total arsewipe in private but even if he did (which I doubt), he's being polite.
Which is fine but to say he was buzzing that Moyes has landed the job and when united come calling you can hardly say no wasn't brilliant. I much prefer to hear what he says about our manager and team which in fairness sounds very positive.

He's not born and bred City, he won't have the same sentiment as us so it's harsh to criticise him for it.

Moyes and him had a good relationship, Rodwell got his big move and Moyes got his, mutual appreciation is fair game.
Exactly what I hoped for and described in the Yaya thread.

High pressing, putting immense pressure on the opposition and giving our creative players possession deep in the opposition half, will make us extremely dangerous.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
So basically what Mancini was trying last season but hopefully better?

Big difference is Barcelona have 3 of the very best midfielders in the world and the best player in the world. Even then they get struggle playing this way against the top sides in Europe.

I hope we are not putting all our eggs in one basket. We lacked a plan B under Mancini and in this league you have to have more than one way of playing if things aren't going well.

Tevez got us out of jail last season with wonder goals against Swansea and Wigan at home and we were also extremely fortunate to beat Reading. These sides came for a point and almost got one. It was a flash of genius from Tevez that bailed us out in two of them. Have we got that genius now he has gone? Im not so convinced. Barcelona will always have that genius.
davymcfc said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
davymcfc said:
Yeah but he just seemed over complimentary that Moyes was given such a great job. Be that as it may I don't really want to hear a city player saying that.
I give up. WTF do you want him to say? He's talking about a manager who developed him and gave him a first-team opportunity. He might think Moyes is a total arsewipe in private but even if he did (which I doubt), he's being polite.
Which is fine but to say he was buzzing that Moyes has landed the job and when united come calling you can hardly say no wasn't brilliant. I much prefer to hear what he says about our manager and team which in fairness sounds very positive.

To be fair I was buzzing when I found out Moyes landed their job!

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