ronaldo petulance

I hate him with a passion. Sits there knowing the camera is on him, shaking his head constantly for ages. I Sat in the pub watchin the game and there's scum fans arguing about if they had to pick "Ronaldo or Beckham" based on dead ball ability.
I hate to say it but Beckham picked his spot and hit it, Ronaldo hits down on the ball as hard as he can and where it goes nobody knows... I can do that!
trannys off to madrid DEFINITELY
did u see how cross he was with fergustroke?
Another 3 points closer to the title, he scored himself and a good, important win for them. Yet not even a hint of him congratulating his team mates or anything at the end, nor did he embrace the fans, just stormed off down the tunnel. It should have been a good day for him and the team. Brilliant player but I can honestly say I would absolutely hate to have someone like that in my team.

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