Roy Keane (again)

Adam Donnelly said:
This time going on about Wenger at his press conference
Worry about your own team Roy you pikey t**t

Do you not see the irony of your comment and where you're posting it?
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
I dont think its anything to do with him being Irish...i think its everything to do with the fact he's a Pikey bastard

I'll raise you five...

"He's the most disgusting cum-swallowing rag pikey cheating dirty knob-juice waste of managerial space the world has ever seen"

On behalf of Alfie H.

poh said:
True_Blue69 said:
I'm part Irish so I can say it.....

He is a cunting pikey bastard

I'am full irish,and i can beat that.He's a cunting pikey bastard fucking cocksucking red scum ball bag ! do i have any advance on that !
AIQ88 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
He is called a pikey because he acts like one.
Freddie Eastwood is a pikey and he is Welsh, from Southend. Neither of which are in Ireland.

From the English "turnpike", the place where itinerent travellers and thieves would camp near a settlement.

Pikey is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and "culture" of "the travelling community", and whose main sources of income are as follows:

Stealing cars, flogging roses in pubs for "childrens' charities", nicking lead off roofs, burgling garden sheds, blagging entry to old peoples house to rob them, doing dodgy tarmac jobs ("we've got some black stuff left over from a job up the road"), sometimes with mint imperials used as a substitute for white chippings, or, reportedly, using snow to lay slabs on when the sand ran out, stealing your bollocks if they weren't in a bag and anything else that's not nailed down and anything that is nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody's looking.
Possibly one of the best posts I have ever read on this forum!
Getting back on topic guys, I Managed to catch a bit of that Keane interview, And the guy asked him about the introduction of video Technology ,Arses, Whingers name came into it, and That mad Psycho Killer glare surfaced, and sent The happy soul off into a rant that had me in hysterics, it’s a must see .Keane mentioned something about the whinger not seeing anything, Because he never sees anything, why don’t we just set up VT at the Emirates? Quality viewing. The mans a mad comedian. If any Bluemooner has a clip, it would be worth posting for a laugh.

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