Well-Known Member
Utter tosh. I know two ex army blokes, both who come from what you'd term middle class backgrounds, who are suffering with life because of their experiences. Both fell on hard times, both are still feeling the effects. One's Wife left him, citing mood swings etc etc meaning he had to leave the family home and move into digs. Apart from his mates, he had little other support.The unknown soldier was most likely a volunteer or conscript.
The armies of the First and Second World War were mostly civilians in uniform, and most importantly came from all classes, their sacrifice touched every corner of the UK and nearly every family, rich or poor.
Today our veterans come from a professional army and those that tend to fall on hard times come from the working class. So the establishment don't care, the middle class have no shared experience, so they don't care, and if you're struggling in Britain today the government believes it's down to poor life choices, so veteran or otherwise, you're f**ked.
Successive governments have failed them due to lack of support when the come out. PTSD affects all and although things are getting better in terms of recognition and support its nowhere near the level it should be.