Is far closer to the reality than cloak and dagger theories about the Tories being in bed with the Russians because of a couple lf million quid a worth of donations or the such or Johnson being a useful idiot.
Russia sees the UK as a second tier power unable to punch enough force to project its foreign policy. Russia sees itself as a first tier power, along with the US and China at a push. These first tier powers, as far as Russia is concerned, should all have a sphere of influence where “might is right”. Now Russia has a problem because the UK is closely aligned to the US and is a nuclear power and a permanent member of the security council. It sees France as second tier and far more pro Russian and far more willing to be moulded to Russian will than the UK. Russias approach is to destabilise the west by fracturing UK and Europe which in turn it would see as fracturing the US and Europe allowing Russia to expand its sphere of influence. So far from being something that’s only been around since Johnson become PM this has been Russian policy for the best part of 2 decades.
Unfortunately for Russia the invasion of Ukraine has actually shown them to be a bit shit and being a second tier power would currently seem to be a bit aspirational let alone first tier.