Russian invasion of Ukraine

A desperate, desperate man. His military operation that he tried to mastermind himself is going tits up. Surely he could have annexed more of Ukraine if he’d called these fake independence votes earlier. The panic of his army falling to pieces and retreating is hitting home.

I wonder what the mood music is like in Russia with the reservists being told they have to go to the front line in a 60 year old Russian tank and North Korean ammo to shoot. Their won’t be much appetite for that even if it’s jail for refusing to fight.

China and India are starting to use language to Putin that they are not happy with what’s happening. Further isolation awaits.
Thick **** is doubling down, there is no way he can win if he threatens nukes and the world backs down he can just use that same tactic in the rest of eastern Europe.

Sending untrained ill equipped bots into an Autumn/Winter campaign is a sure fire way of losing, RussianBrides will be full of talent will be no Ivans left to shag.

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