Russian invasion of Ukraine

I think that the mass exit of intelligent city dwelling young men who won't be able to return to Russia unless they lose is a long term problem. Peasants can be sent to die in their droves but they can't be doctors bankers and airline pilots if they were to win. Putin is gradually boxing himself in and its for those around him to decide what they want for their own and families futures
Let's be honest; this is modern warfare. Having a few hundred thousand more people on the ground is not going to make the slightest bit of difference. Since modern weaponry has started to arrive in Ukraine, Armoured vehicles have already been proven to be obsolete, let alone more individuals for cannon fodder.
No. Armored vehicles are fine but they need infantry and drone support.
What do Tanks and APCs offer other than targets? Where are Russia's Terminator Tanks since they introduced 4 of them a few months ago?
did you not read the reply from @BlueAnorak ? On their own they are vulnerable but with infantry support they offer a force that can lead an attack - thats been the tank tactic from birth in WW1 through Blitzkrieg in WW2 to today - tanks smash through and infantry support is there to take advantage. Air support - be it drone or conventional aircraft - has been the mainstay of battlefield support to tanks ( again see Blitzkrieg)

Where it fails is if the infantry support is inadequate either in capability or numbers or if the air support is lacking. I suspect that Russian air support is not up to snuff. Putin may be saving them in case NATO etc get involved or maybe like their other capabilities the stuff in the shop window is shiny the stock behind it is second rate at best
I know he’s got all these drunks turning up to die for him but has Putin got any decent equipment for them, if he’s been using old tanks has he kept anything in reserve?
Seems to me that if he's been giving his regular troops old and dilapidated equipment, then what chance have the conscripts got of having anything half decent to fight with? - pool cues or broomsticks ?

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