Russian invasion of Ukraine

President Zelensky said about 30% of UA power supply has been destroyed by the latest attacks, also water supply.

Attacking civil infrastructure are modern ways of hybrid war and very efficient, also cost efficient (cheap drones vs costly air defence).

But the real target is a new wave of refugees to Europe.
Putin has seen how much the Syria crisis has unsettled and divided Europe. Up to now Europe has managed the much bigger amount of Ukrainian people in great solidarity but Putin hopes to get to a point when moaning in Europe gets louder and public support for weapon supplies crumbles. It's a real threat.

It's a dirty strategy, but it worked with Syria and they tried it again summer 2021 at the Belarus boarder when Poland said it was a hybrid war vs them.

Maybe someone should give Putin a hint that russian energy infrastructure is key for their financials and economy and it might be vulnerable too...
The former Russian General shown in an interview on yesterday's Daily Kos was saying bomb the water plants so Ukrainians will suffer dysentery
They really are horrible bastards
RAF just over the Black Sea near Crimea.....Russian Airforce right behind it.
NOT fighter jets.
Quite a few NATO planes flying along the Polish border.

Slava Ukraini.
Yeah,the Typhoons wasn't there a few minutes ago.
There was a Russian Aircraft right behind the Rivet Joint.
Typhoons appeared out of nowhere.....dunno where the Russian one went????

Slava Ukraini.

They must turn their transponders off when near Crimea and then turn them back on when they are back in safer air space. That Russian plane looks like it will prob end up in Crimea, probably bringing more Orcs to be used as target practice.
For those who may not have noticed, FIRMs isn't lighting up the Russian backfield in anything like the volumes it did on the western bank of the Dnipro in the Kherson area. That's because it's joined with the artilary blowing Russian tanks and artilary systems away near the front lines for the last 3 days.
Not long to wait now I think.
I just watched the flight radar playback.

its quite entertaining, the second the 2 jets put there transponders on the Russian plane does a very sharp right turn towards Crimea.
I just watched the flight radar playback.

its quite entertaining, the second the 2 jets put there transponders on the Russian plane does a very sharp right turn towards Crimea.
It was mental mate.....Typhoons call signs was PSYCHO61 and PSYCHO62.
I always check flight radar just out of interest,never seen this much activity.
NATO Aircraft over Poland,Moldova,Romania.

Slava Ukraini.

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