Russian Tanks roll into Ossetia

brand blue heavies

Well-Known Member
21 Jul 2006
We had a discussion a few weeks back and i said that the Russians are the ones to be feared regarding world peace.
They have been dying to have a pop at the Georgians ever since they had the balls to question Russia`s extortionate oil pricing to that country.

Now that the Russian backed rebels are kicking off it will give the russians a good excuse to steam roll Georgia.

I tell you that region is gonna kick off big time!!

Putin throgh his puppet president wants to create another USSR. When any of the former states kicks off he seem to find a way of starting on them.

A good day to invade a country when eyes of the world are elsewhere. China maybe doing them a favour.
No comment from the yanks.

maybe president Gump is too busy enjoying the pretty colours in Beijing.
This could be a devastationg blow to international relationships. Georgia if I remember correctly have a very pro Western stance so if as the Georgians have stated and this is an all out War then I hope no other countries wade in to the conflict.
It'd be nice if the Russians re-established the USSR, starting with Uncle Joe's home country of Georgia of course. Some say Putin's just a Russian nationalist though, so it's still not certain whether Socialism will follow.
Goaters said:
This could be a devastationg blow to international relationships. Georgia if I remember correctly have a very pro Western stance so if as the Georgians have stated and this is an all out War then I hope no other countries wade in to the conflict.

Sounds like that's the way there treating according to the Georgian President on News 24.

They also said Bush has spoken to Putin about it in beijing. I bet the yanks have agreed to turn a blind eye to it ala chechnya.
This entire region is a powder keg waiting to explode. There are loads and loads of breakaway republics in ex-USSR, Moldova would break up into loads of little countries the size of Bolton if they could get away with it.

Methinks the Georgians are going to have their arses spanked good and propper, Russia are throwing a shed load of hardware at them and I can't see the Georgians lasting long.
newcrossblue said:
It'd be nice if the Russians re-established the USSR, starting with Uncle Joe's home country of Georgia of course. Some say Putin's just a Russian nationalist though, so it's still not certain whether Socialism will follow.

I'm convinced he's a nationalist. It's not a very socialist policy of ripping off your neighboring countries desperate for energy resources.
mat said:
newcrossblue said:
It'd be nice if the Russians re-established the USSR, starting with Uncle Joe's home country of Georgia of course. Some say Putin's just a Russian nationalist though, so it's still not certain whether Socialism will follow.

I'm convinced he's a nationalist. It's not a very socialist policy of ripping off your neighboring countries desperate for energy resources.

I just wonder if he's taking the view of Socialism In One Country and applying it to Russia alone. And also to prove a point that far from being a Russian Empire the Soviet Union saw money and resources pour out of Russia and into the so-called colonies. But your view is shared by a number of Communists I know.

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