
Gelsons Dad said:
I did mine in Gib too! :-)

Small world. Gib's pretty good as the physical geography of the place makes it quite challenging. I'd previously been on a Coastal Skipper 'course' in Phuket which apart from the weather, the views, the islands, the beer and the whores, was next to useless ;-)
TCIB said:
Looks like a lot of flapping for minimal return, i'll have my 5* cruise thanks.

You're missing the point TCIB. We live our lives these days at a million miles an hour and have a multitude of competing pressures. The mobile phone means we are always on call.

Sailing FORCES you to slow down, forces you to think at a slower, more rational pace. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'd be dead now had I not taken it up. The stress would've killed me.
Captain Oats said:
tangora you hit the nail on the head. My work is very stressfull at the moment, but sailing really does help take your mind of it!

I'd love to start chartering big 30+ footers in the future. Definitely a goal of mine.

Neilson do a Stay & Sail holiday in the Ionian, week 1, hotel based - learn how to sail a yacht (34'), week 2 - flotilla in your own yacht with a load of other novices. Great introduction to bigger boats in beautiful (if unchallenging) waters.

Loads of Wayfarers and Mirrors about still TRB.
tangaroa said:
TCIB said:
Looks like a lot of flapping for minimal return, i'll have my 5* cruise thanks.

You're missing the point TCIB. We live our lives these days at a million miles an hour and have a multitude of competing pressures. The mobile phone means we are always on call.

Sailing FORCES you to slow down, forces you to think at a slower, more rational pace. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'd be dead now had I not taken it up. The stress would've killed me.

It looks kinda stressfull to me bud, when they go mad winding that thing and then dart over to the other side or it's curtains, lots of shouting also seemingly.
It seems frantic as opposed to calming.
Or am i thinking of the wrong sailing ?
TCIB said:
It looks kinda stressfull to me bud, when they go mad winding that thing and then dart over to the other side or it's curtains, lots of shouting also seemingly.
It seems frantic as opposed to calming.
Or am i thinking of the wrong sailing ?

Nah, unless you're tacking in a narrow channel, it's mostly short, sharp bursts of intense activity followed by lots of time to contemplate.
did it a few times when I was younger and nearly knocked my self out numerous times, its good fun though!

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