Salty reactions from other fans and the media

Sad innit?
It’s one thing to be terminally stupid, but it’s another to paint a big picture of it, put it in a big gold frame, then hang it on the wall and ask everyone round to see it.
Thought he was gonna have a heart attack he was that worked up, only reason I watched 5 minutes.
Disappointing to say the least.
Never really been into these 'Fan TV' podcast things albeit I know a couple of guys that contribute on them. Having watched that rag moron rant on about the CAS verdict it did make me wonder whether we have 'fans' who produce that sort of shit because certainly the two guys I know are generally sensible and reasoned. Maybe it's angst and bollocks that's contrived to create a bit of controversy and that pig fella actually couldn't give a toss.
Are Tebas, Castles etc going to be dealt with? Surely we can't be sitting back and letting these fuckers just say whatever the fuck they want with literally all the evidence right there in black and white? It'd be an open and shut case, it's infuriating.
A couple of well used phrases since Monday

You cannot reason with an idiot

There's none so deaf as those that refuse to listen.
A stream of unconsciousness...not to mention repetition, gibberish and an unbelievable lack or articulation - it is hilarious, but also worrying people can actually take notice of this.
A stream of unconsciousness...not to mention repetition, gibberish and an unbelievable lack or articulation - it is hilarious, but also worrying people can actually take notice of this.

I couldn't take notice of what he was frothing about because his headgear continually conjured up an image of Ralph from the Muppets.
Reading through the mountain of piss taking stuff on here last night after the arsenal game, I saw a City badge that some kopite had edited by replacing the text 'Manchester City', with the words, 'Fucking cheats'. Every time I was about to fall asleep later, it popped back into my head and I started laughing, imagining his utter fury as he was putting it together. Took me fookin ages to nod off.
Reading through the mountain of piss taking stuff on here last night after the arsenal game, I saw a City badge that some kopite had edited by replacing the text 'Manchester City', with the words, 'Fucking cheats'. Every time I was about to fall asleep later, it popped back into my head and I started laughing, imagining his utter fury as he was putting it together. Took me fookin ages to nod off.

You should have docked theirs from,you’ll never walk alone to you’ll never be centurions

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