nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Johhnytapia you don't start "And" at the beginning of a sentence or after a full stop you fucking "Tool"
You sound like a thick, shell suited P.E. teacher who fills in for absent pissed up teachers or dinner ladies and thinks he's the cock of the school by going around bullying little kids.
This thread was about the OP feeling an injustice had been done to one of his/her own and was seeking advice. You managed to turn it round and bullshitted about being a teacher or the head of lunchtime supervisors.
You're either the saddest c**t out there or you're a brilliant wummer......I suspect the latter.
That nonsense went out of the window many,many years ago.Try reading some books and you`ll find the word regularly used.
We`ve moved on from the 1960`s mate. ;)