school match .....

Re: shool match .....

why do you think our academies are full of foreign players, its because we are not coaching our young players at grass roots correctly and it goes back to long throws and lump it up the pitch win at all costs attitude

kids at u9/10/11 should be given the basics as i have said in an earlier post, let the ball do the work and work hard

there is a distinct lack of quality English players coming through trust me and we are miles behind spain, if they were to lose xavi or innesta they can call on fabregas, alonso, arteta and these are just a few i know of, if england lose rooney who have we got heskey/crouch it does not compare
look at our recent home defeat to greece at U21 level , i will give you another example England U20s 0 Ghana U20s 4
there were 6 city youth team players in that U20s squad and i watched the match it was like watching men against boys ghana were technically far superior to england and it is all to do with the basic principles of football being instilled at the right time, watch out for ghana in the future they have an exciting group of players coming through

football is all about fun for kids and should be like that but the lump it, long throw stuff does not belong in my eyes on a U9/10 or 11s pitch<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:35 am --<br /><br />
tevezlaces said:
When I was a nipper we were trained to take long throw ins. It's part of the game.
how old are you tevezlaces if you don't mind me asking?
sooner they take the throw in out of the game the better. Should be allowed kick it back on. only the goalie should be allowed handle it.
Re: shool match .....

tevezlaces said:
When I was a nipper we were trained to take long throw ins. It's part of the game.
how old are you tevezlaces if you don't mind me asking?[/quote]

Not at all, 22.

I remember training sessions where we spent at least half of it practicing throw ins, but that could be because we were crap ha
Re: shool match .....

tevezlaces said:
tevezlaces said:
When I was a nipper we were trained to take long throw ins. It's part of the game.
how old are you tevezlaces if you don't mind me asking?

Not at all, 22.

I remember training sessions where we spent at least half of it practicing throw ins, but that could be because we were crap ha[/quote]
no you will probably find it was your coach who was crap, what age were you when he had you practicing long throws?
Re: shool match .....

LCBblue said:
I quit playing for my school at the beginning of this year - poor standard of football, which consists of mostly long balls, big throws etc etc, the midfield was by-passed every game and it was hardly enjoyable, despite us winning most of our games.

I don't miss playing for school. How old is your son?

I played Junior football for a team near me in Leeds. Every week we had Leeds United coaches take a training session, The very first week we played a 9 a side game and i pulled the ball down and dribbled around 4 or 5 players before scoring. The trainer embarassed me in front of everyone and then made me run around the side of the pitch for 10 minutes.

He was annoyed that i didn't play the ball over the top. Looking back i can see his point, but what he did discouraged me from playing what my normal game was.

Every other team i played for at that level revolved around utilising a big and fast guy upfront. Even at school. The guy who played this role at my secondary school was Ryan Atkins who's now a professional Rugby player. Think he's playing for Warrington.

It's a shame really, because it tells at a professional level. Even most of our top players lack the technical ability of much lesser players abroad.
Re: shool match .....

riley347 said:
LCBblue said:
I quit playing for my school at the beginning of this year - poor standard of football, which consists of mostly long balls, big throws etc etc, the midfield was by-passed every game and it was hardly enjoyable, despite us winning most of our games.

I don't miss playing for school. How old is your son?

He's 10 and they're teaching him and his team mates how to pump a long through into the box? Their arms are like twigs at that age, there's no use.

At ages 9-14 I think coaching should be about how to play football, passing, keeping the ball on the floor, but also for the kids to enjoy playing and have a good laugh, for them to have a competitive edge aswell.

I'm sure others would disagree however.
i am absolutely stunned and disgusted that parent/teachers are encouraging this......i was brought up on control,look,pass,move.....very depressing......imo....

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