Season Review Book 2013/14

Just put a deposit down on a yacht. Thanks.

Well wanted book in same place as kindle book. Don't think any amazon executives will be retiring off my book sales.....
I am going to have to buy it tomorrow when I can think of something that I need to get it over the £10 limit for free postage I looked at the add on items and I gave up when I saw a camel toe card on the first page
Well you could buy two!

Was annoyed to see no free delivery, thought it was all free nowadays. I can recommend the grocery section, can get job lots of scampi fries on there...
It must be ultra rare because I see a seller on amazon is selling it at £62.42 plus postage of £2.80 , I am still thinking of something to add on to get the free postage but it will be bought soon
Received mine in the post. Thanks. And congratulations for producing it and turning it round so quick, Howard. Looking forward to reading, and savouring a very satifying season.
thanks all - not very happy with image quality (it was crystal clear when I uploaded it) but just got my own book and it is a good, thick book - good door-stopper...
Don, when you've alighted from the bandwagon, please leave all spare copies of your tome in the relevant place: the dustbin.

Coming soon..."City, how I managed to cut and paste all match reports from the next twelve months and turn it into a book. With added extras: Bluemoon verbatim "

Utter fucking drivel.
Thanks for your helpful feedback.

I presume I can't interest you in the previous two season reviews?

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