Seat Counters - 2024/25

FWIW, I was delayed going into the ground on Saturday because I had an empty plastic bag in my pocket. I take the bag to hold a couple of programmes after losing my wallet last season (with stuffed pockets). I was only allowed in when I threw the empty plastic bag in the bin. I told the security guard this was no way to treat fans. He said these were bad rules City forced them to implement.
Well someone within the club obviously decided that bringing in an empty bag was a public safety risk.
You can imagine the opposition scoring and in a fit of rage you pull the empty bag from your pocket and put it over the head of the person next to you and suffocate them.

I don’t blame the club personally. It’s a sensible policy.
I understand that but normally if I’m not well I let the young lad whose granddad sits behind me have my ticket. But one hour before the game I didn’t have time to sort that out plus to be honest I felt so ill I didn’t even think of the seat being empty!
The kinder procedure, as I told them in my email, would have been to enquire as to why I didn’t make the match rather than what amounts to a threatening letter. Or feels like one.
If it had been the third or fourth time of missing a match fair enough but it was the first time. :-)
All very inconsiderate of you Eccles, you realise how much the club could have sold that seat to a tourist for? And how much money that said tourist would have spent in the club shop! Don't get me started on the poor half and half scarf sales men that have lost a sale!
Your actions have consequences!

Get well soon! Hope you get back for Arsenal Sunday
Who thinks up this crap?
Same policy at Wembley for fa cup final. I handed over bag and then went on to inform them how I had at least ten other things on my person That could have done greater damage if I was that way inclined. Fell on deaf ears. It’s just one big game that often makes no sense
It was reduced from 55k to 53.5k a few seasons ago when the advertising boards by the pitch were enlarged, causing a few rows of seats at the front of ESL1 to be demolished

Yeah but the other guy said there were 1,500 actual seats never used. Not that there were now less seats. Whether that info is out of date or not, it’s still a lot from when it was right.
Might be a combination of the prices and the lack of jeopardy with the new Swiss system as there is no way we will not qualify for later stages. Can only speak for myself but left cup scheme for first time after the change and glad i did as not prepared to pay 50 quid for a group game. If it was a knockout tie it would've sold out straightaway even at the prices charged.
Purely down to cost, fans won't pay £62 for a group game.
Purely down to cost, fans won't pay £62 for a group game.
I’m not sure. So Watford will be a sell out?

Tickets are too expensive but there are lots if factors including transport and people on the Cup Scheme reselling thousands of tickets. That’s a benefit of the technology.

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