Sending an Xbox 360 off for Repair


Well-Known Member
13 Mar 2009
One of the many unnoticed posters of Bluemoon
Can anyone who has done this before just let me know if I have got the system right for how to this?

My label has been e-mailed to me, so I print it off, put it on the package. I also put a slip of paper on the package with my name and address on. Then I need to ring UPS or go on their website where I arrange a date for them to pick it up from my house. Is this all ok?

Also, do they deliver it back to your address or do you have to go pick it up from somewhere?

Just want to make sure I get it all right, don't want to lose my 360...
James23 said:
Can anyone who has done this before just let me know if I have got the system right for how to this?

My label has been e-mailed to me, so I print it off, put it on the package. I also put a slip of paper on the package with my name and address on. Then I need to ring UPS or go on their website where I arrange a date for them to pick it up from my house. Is this all ok?

Also, do they deliver it back to your address or do you have to go pick it up from somewhere?

Just want to make sure I get it all right, don't want to lose my 360...

you better hope you get a PS3 back in the post. Microsoft suck balls.
James23 said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:

you better hope you get a PS3 back in the post. Microsoft suck balls.
Right now, I'd take a Dreamcast, just want a console back!

Don't listen to "Poly de la Fuckhead" I'm on my second 360 and last month i got the E74 1 red ring fault on it. Similar to the 3 red rings but not as severe. It was a piss easy fix (as is the 3 red rings if you have the right tools and you're not an inept moron). But my point here is i have both 360 and a PS3. I have always been a Playstation user and up until this generation i always preferd sony consoles.

But as a games console the 360 is better than the PS3. Don't let the whiney ever vocal Sony fanboys convince you otherwise. The PS3 is way ahead of 360 in many different areas (free online, Internet capability, built in wireless, blu ray player, plays all data discs etc...but not gaming. Which to me at least is the reason i buy GAMES consoles.

But really. Who gives a fuck about the PS3's better features. I have a PC which is better for all that shit. I buy games consoles for gaming and despite what PS3 fanboys will tell you the 360 is simply better in that area. I fixed my 360. It took me less than 30mins using one of the many youtube vids that will tell you how.
I don't think there can be any question that Sony has fucked up this generation's console as far as gaming is concerned. Their strategy was to make it difficult to develop games for the PS3... Let's play spot the strategy flaw... I think only Nintendo could get away with such a shit strategy because their first-party games are the main selling point. I've completely turned on Sony over the past few years. They rival Apple as far as arrogance is concerned.
James23 said:
Can anyone who has done this before just let me know if I have got the system right for how to this?

My label has been e-mailed to me, so I print it off, put it on the package. I also put a slip of paper on the package with my name and address on. Then I need to ring UPS or go on their website where I arrange a date for them to pick it up from my house. Is this all ok?

Also, do they deliver it back to your address or do you have to go pick it up from somewhere?

Just want to make sure I get it all right, don't want to lose my 360...

you're right mate i sent mine off to Germany last year because of the three red lights fault and they just sent me back a brand new one straight to my house.

i think microsoft have realised its a common fault and it either
a)costs too much to repair
b)they can't be arsed to do the same job over and over
so they just send a new one.

make sure you take your hardrive off though before you put it in the box. also, i put loads of bubblewrap in the box too (as it suggests).

hoep this helps
Yeh, you have got it right James23.

I did the online UPS thing, and they give you a choice of timeslot and date when its going to be picked up from your house.

They take it away to Germany, then Microsoft usually send you either a brand new console (they did with me) or a refurbished one in order to save time repairing your old one.

Within about 4 or 5 days of me sending it off, I had my new one delivered. I think they say up to about 14 days, but most people seem to get them back within about 4 or 5.

Just take your hard drive out though. They only want the actual console

Plus when they send you the new console, I think you get another 3 years warranty on that for the Red ring thing
James23 said:
Can anyone who has done this before just let me know if I have got the system right for how to this?

My label has been e-mailed to me, so I print it off, put it on the package. I also put a slip of paper on the package with my name and address on. Then I need to ring UPS or go on their website where I arrange a date for them to pick it up from my house. Is this all ok?

Also, do they deliver it back to your address or do you have to go pick it up from somewhere?

Just want to make sure I get it all right, don't want to lose my 360...

yep that sounds right to me they sent me a brand new console back to my address that ups picked it up from. also dont send them your hard drive remove that b4 you send it
iam a ups driver !! right put it in a box put the lable on, ur address, get intouch with ups they will send a ods (on demand service) to the driver that is doin ur post code he will come pick it up then 2 weeks later he will deliver it back to u as soon as u phone up they will tell u 3to 5 day for collection but we pick them up the day after so pack it up asap . simpelsss .

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