
I used to get emails everyday basically saying that I had been caught with my cock out and the video would be sent to everyone on my contact list if I didn't pay up. I told them to go ahead and show their friends while their at it.
I might feel differently if I had a tiny cock.
@snorky would pay to have sex on camera. Doubt he'd pay for all the magnifying glasses needed to view his cheesy Babybel though; )
@snorky would pay to have sex on camera. Doubt he'd pay for all the magnifying glasses needed to view his cheesy Babybel though; )
He'd need to film it at jodrell bank for it to be visible to the naked eye, and I'm not sure they do that sort of thing.
When I lived in Morocco I heard about people doing this to extort people from the Gulf countries. Apparently, they don't even use a real girl, it's all pre-recorded and controlled by some bloke on a laptop.
@dickie davies

This could be the bloke.

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